
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

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Amel was violated by evil men. Doesn’t matter human or dragons evil has no race. Bad heartsdo bad things😢


“I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”


Hey everyone. No update for TOF today. I have been a little unwell. Thank you for your patience ❤


I weep for this chapter😭😭😭 I hurt for Amal,Malachi and his family💔💔💔 What kind of fate that was for Amal🥺😭 That needed justice!!!! ( dang humans!!!😒😡) The anger and hate from their side is understandable! There'd probably be a time that things like that may be forgiven but certainly not forgotten (it sticks to the memory and to your inner soul) , acceptance could be the key, (easier said than done) but maybe if Malachi and co allow themselves to let go of that little by little then peace would come to their own selves first then maybe then they'll see that humans have different characters (just the same that it applies to their clan too) I hope they find the peace in their hearts. heart wrenching chapter, but thank you Jazzy💕

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I can understand the contempt they feel for humans 💔 there are no winners in war, only loss and pain.


This is why he thinks those that hope for peace are fools 😢


how do we justify this case now. human want peace, it went wrong. Dragon attempted peace, it got catastrophic. All that remain now is doooooooom😲😲😲😲 okay! maybe Rav and Malachi could make little dragons that will melt everyone's heart hihi. sounds wrong also lol. thanks for the chapter. felt sad for his sister's fate. that was cruel


I am devastated. I hoped at least from Malachi's side he wouldn't have so much baggage to hold him back and he would be the one to push forward. I hope the breedmate pull continues to be as strong because they will need it. God!!!🥺🥺 They need to talk!!! I know they will get there and I am waiting for it. I will hold onto Malachi's mother. The breedmate bond and losing one seems so strong and painful that his mother was ready to let go of the sister for the sake of Malachi's happiness. We need her to step in. These two need help. Help mee!!!!

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I'm craving for another chapter, no other comment... 🤧 Malachi has gone through emotional and mental turmoil...



oh my goodness my heart bleeds for poor Amal😭 I can only Imagine the devastation and how broken and betrayed she felt,this is heart breaking and I don't know but even the little hope I had for them to reach a compromise has gone with the tears I have cried for Malachi in this chapter 😢 such an emotional moment and has really reminded me of something similar that happened a long time ago lol I need a hug, thanks jasmine darling


This chapter just reminds of Zamiel in "Married to the devil's son" . He was drowning so much in self guilt after the death of his wife and daughter. He was haunted even in his nightmares too. it took time nd patience and support nd love for him to come out of it but he eventually did that nature even had to reward him. So I believe that both Malachi nd Ravina can come out of their pain nd hatred nd self guilt too if they give it time nd support each other with love too. Thumbs up to you Jazzy. You put them well together.


My heart breaks for all of them. They have all felt the pain and torture from war.


truly devastating for Malachi that he wasn't able to protect Amal from those cruel, horrible humans 😢😭 truly understandable on the aversion that he feels upon them. 😓


Malachi needs a huge hug😭😭😭😭😭


What will happen to Ravina now that Malachi brothers are dividing because of her, will they torture her same way Amal was tortured, I doubt if Malachi will allow all that, even if he put himself in denial, it obvious the dragon love pull is much more than the humans.. Destroying the inventions is the only way to make peace.. except the killing continues...


The truth is that everyone is right on their own sides. Malachi nd his brothers except Aaron witnessed the cruel fate/incident of their sister which led to her commiting suicide especially knowing that he opted for for that even though his father was against it. Meaning that she maybe would've been alive and okay if he didn't take her to her groom. And all this why he was trying to opt for peace between humans and dragons Nd on the part of Ravina, She also had to witness the death of her uncle( who she still thinks is her father) nd her mother and the capture of her sister. They were burnt, as in roasted to death in her presence nd her twin sister taken away from her only at age sixteen, all while her father was trying to make peace with the dragons too. So it's a 50/50 thing for me. Infact, I feel ravina's part is even more painful than that of Malachi (although I know that no pain is too small) because she lost 2 loved ones in a very painful way( mother and father) nd her sister, who knows if the dragons did to her what was done to Malachi's sister because I know that Corrina(ravina's sister) won't be so willing to be their breeder. So everyone has lost people to each other.From the royal families of bother dragons nd humans to the common people. The humans has killed quite some dragons after so many inventions while the dragon has killed excess of humans, destroyed homes, farmlands thereby rendering alot of people homeless nd hungry. because just a pour of their fire can destroy a wholesome amount of people nd homes. Therefore, Everyone needs to understand the other's pain nd try to move on. There's no gain in the wars nd enmity. Everyone looses.


This cannot be forgotten or forgiven, no matter what the price of revenge


Amal's faith was just that hers; it was what it was. The only thing that could have changed about her faith was if it was another brother who took her. For all Saul's anger and anguish, he let Malachi take her to her breedmate; He could have stopped him but ge didn't. He is only venribg his guilt as Malachi is letting himself be seen as the scapegoat for their decisions even if he us the one who ensured her faith, by taking her to her breedmate. Malachi is too down on himself to see his brothers actions, especially Saul's, for what they are: guilt and anger at their actions. This is where his and Ravina's unending resolve to punish each other would be what breaks his self hate enabling him see past his feelings to realize not only wasn't it his fault Amal died but his brothers true intentions: making him the scapegoat for their guilt and individual self loathing . Ravina is his saving grace and him hers!!! Thank you Jasmine....... Reminds me of Married to the Devils Son thtough Heavens story......a book that was deLiSHiously written, engaging, full of pleasant surprises, epic love stories, warmth and loads of aweSome moments/memories!!!


so so sad 😥. Maybe by the time Ravinia finds out what caused dragons to hate human, she might rethink her own hatred. This is just messed