
Chapter 167: While Cleaning the Closet, I… Part 3

And yes, Carla really leveled up in the years since we've last met.

Her face is more glowing than ever, making it above average now; and she's getting a little stronger, too, judging from how tight her hug that wraps us three is.

After that seconds-long hug comes the usual introductions.

"Ah, Leigh and Aurora. Two-thirds of Brave Ad 65. You're indeed lucky enough to both fall in love with the same man! I can also see… you're also in love with each other."

Both Leigh and Aurora blush heavily after the fact, but still retain their poise.

I know they support each other as much as they support me; so it's not impossible for them to fall for each other the same way they fall for me.

Well, duh! We're a throuple, alright. And Carla can see it, too.

"Alright, come on in, everyone," she bubbles.

Next chapter