
[440] Serena's Incident.

[You have been transported into the next floor.]


I felt a hard impact hit my head, I looked up and found myself in...sewers? Ugh...

The smell definitely confirms it.

'I'm still in Elijah's body...'

I thought, it seems that this hasn't ended yet. What floor am I on? What do I have to experience now?

Naturally, those questions littered my mind. The last floor was really impactful.

Elijah stood up, and stepped out of the dirty waters.

"What is he even doing here anyways?"

I asked myself, confused.

"Almost there..."

Said Elijah, almost as if in response to my question. He walked through the pile of shit and other things, The sewers carried a musty, disgusting smell.

It was utterly repulsive...and somehow Elijah was still cruising along as normal.

"Fucking hell..."

I said, My nose is far more sensitive than a humans...Even if Elijah is a human right now...I am not.

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