
[193] Fight, Oh Hero that defied Oblivion!

What is a hero?

What kind of person is a hero?

What kind of symbol is a hero?

A Savior?

A Fighter?

A Symbol of hope?

In the end, what is a hero?

What is the hero's reason to fight? To save? To Be a Symbol?

Trauma? Desire? Kindness?

Or is it just the thought of being remembered for centuries that excites them?

Or is it that they have the 'pure heart' that compels them to fight for Justice?

To fight evil? To dedicate themselves to the eradication of Evil?

Even Elijah Ardor didn't know.

He didn't know at all...despite his numerous studies into a hero.

He found so many definitions....and still was confused.

'A Person who is admired for their courage and bravery.'

'A Hero is a person who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage or strength.'

'A Person who is akin to a symbol of good, someone that saves, somewhat fights evil...someone that influences others to be like him.'

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