
Runemasters (1)

"You did a good job surviving for so long, Blake." The beautiful demoness nodded and said as the huge gorilla and the humanoid demon in its huge arms landed on the ground behind her after taking a huge leap.

Similar to riding a roller coaster, Blake's head was slightly dizzy as he was brought up and down at a relatively fast pace when Robus was using all his might to jump and arrive at Vera's location as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Robus didn't just swing his arms around everywhere when he jumped and kept a relatively stable posture, significantly helping Blake to prevent himself from vomiting after getting his whole body shaken for some time.

"Yeah… Fighting all 19 of them at the same time is impossible though."

"I was barely able to dodge their combined attack at the very last second," Blake said after Robus let him go off of his hand and stood on Blake's own two feet.

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