
Chapter 3

Two years passed and Hudson's life gradually started becoming better the stronger he got.

He could now beat adults to his surprise, he was totally different than the other kids, he could feel it, he was special.

But that didn't interest him in the least, right now he wanted to get stronger and even stronger.

Even his living situation improved drastically, he now lived in a normal apartment after forcing a person to buy an apartment in his name and let Hudson live there.

Hudson didn't stop from training even after this, he even bought weights and all the training equipment he needed.

He got introduced by a weird person one day to selling stolen goods to him.

He would bring watches or jewelry to him for bigger amounts of money.

But now the people that he had to look for were on another league, the gangsters.

There are areas protected by gangsters and they won't let you do as you please on their territory, so Hudson has to be careful when stealing.

Today he was going with all of his collected goods to that person.

He went to the bull market and started walking down the street.

He finally arrived in front of the man's stand. He was a tall man with glasses and facial hair.

"Oh, Hudson! Did you come here with the stuff?"


Hudson took lifted the bag he was carrying in his hand and opened it.

Inside were all kinds of watches, bracelets, necklaces and many more.

"*WHISTLE* Looks like you started to get the hang of it."

"I don't really like doing it but I have to do it.

I only enjoy this when I get caught and I have to knock the victim out, other than that it's mostly boring stuff."

"Hahaha! I think you're the only thief who enjoys getting caught.

Let's check the quality first, then we can talk more."

The man took out a binocle and started manually checking each one of them.

The man lifted a bracelet and said. "Most of them are fake diamonds but this one is real."

"How much for that?"

"400.000 Jenny."

"Alright. What about the rest?"

"Even though most of them are not real, some of the watches are designer and are worth a good amount of money."

"Total price ?"

"1 million 200 hundred thousands rounded up.

Looks like you made more this month."

"Yeah, by the way.

Do you know if you can get me some heavy vests and hard materials?

I want something harder to punch with my fists, like a block of steel or something like that."

The man put one hand under his chin and said. "Well...

I can get you what you're looking for but it will cost you some cash."

"No problem, I am willing to pay."

"Then I'll contact you when I find what you're looking for."

After he got his money Hudson turned around and started walking away.

The man looked at Hudson and thought. 'For a kid he's strong, but just being strong won't cut it in this world.'

He was ripping Hudson off, of course. I mean who wouldn't, he was a kid who lives on his own with no one to teach him about the world.

At least that's what he thinks.

If Hudson knew he was being ripped off he would've beaten the man until he wouldn't be able to walk anymore.

The stronger he got the more he believed in himself, he had so much faith in himself that it was baffling.

It wasn't even arrogance, he was just very confident.

As he was walking home he saw a group of adults coming towards him.

They surrounded him and one said. "What's a kid like you doing walking around this neighbourhood?"

Hudson had a cold look on his face and he said. "Why do you want to know, shitface?"


The man raised his palm but before he could bring it down, Hudson punched him in the stomach with his right hand.

The man fell on his knees coughing, while the others were surprised by this development.


He punched a guy that was stunned in the liver with his right hand since he was too busy looking at his friend who just got dropped to the ground by a kid.

The guy too dropped to the ground because of the pain.


A guy came ran towards Hudson and swung his fist towards Hudson.


Hudson avoided the punch by leaning to the side, he then brought his arm backwards and punched the man in the knee.

The man tried to swing his fist again but he fell on one knee. 'What?! I can't move my leg! Did this kid really made me lose feeling in my leg just from that punch?"

Hudson brought his arm backwards and said. "It's your fault for picking a fight with me, you pieces of shit."


He punched the man in the face with all of his strength and them man's body recoiled backwards, making his head hit the concrete.

The man's head cracked open and a lot of blood started coming out of there.

Hudson looked coldly at the man whose head hit the concrete, his eyes were rolled to the back of his head, blood started coming out of his mouth, nose and ears.

The puddle of blood under his head started to get bigger and bigger and the two other adults looked with fear at their friend.

One of the guys came near him and said. "Oi ! Mike! What's wrong?!"

He flipped him over and looked at the nasty wound on the back of his head.


Hudson came near the man and punched him in the back of his head.

The man's head was launched into the concrete too and his head cracked open.

"Shut up, just drop to the ground already."

He looked back at the other guy who was on the ground, under his crotch there was a puddle of yellowish liquid.

"*SNIFF* *SNIFF* You bastard...

Did you just piss yourself?"

The man tried to go backwards but he just couldn't get up on his feet due to the pain from the liver. "G-get away from me!"


Hudson came in front of him, grabbed him by the collar and started punching the shit out of his face until he blacked out.

"This is what you get for messing with me, should've just kept walking."

After that he walked away from the scene with no concern for the three guys he just beat to near death.

Next chapter