

'What can I say to get us out of this?  What does this even look like to my parents?' went on Colt's panicked chain of thoughts.

They could reason that they didn't realize they'd been speaking too close to each other. They could claim that they'd fallen over and ended up in this misleading position. 

Or they could say that they're romantically involved, which would open many opportunities to visit each other, to go out to places and be seen together, and to be alone in a room.

Colt could feel his heart race faster, his cheeks burning with anticipation. He'd be a fool to think that the girl in front of him didn't stir some baser instincts. Hershey was a pretty young lady, her curves developed well enough, and her scent was wondrous. 

Many guys would probably be foaming at the mouth to see him now with her in his lap. 

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