

The six of them talked the night away, exchanging their respective backstories and tales of how they had come to know each other. 

The drink they shared dribbled down their chins like sweet nectar, and the small dinner they managed to catch felt warm in their mouths. Jamir was surprisingly good at dancing, often jigging to Russell and Irvin's uproarious songs. Hershey laughed and clapped at their hilarious performance before pulling Blair to her feet so they could dance together. Cadmus often sat hunkered at the entrance on watch, but sometimes they managed to drag him to his feet, insisting that he join in.

One night, they were attacked by bandits, and the boys rushed to action, screaming for the girls to run, but neither moved a muscle, throwing punches as hard as a man and knocking most of the attackers to the ground while they all could do was stare.

"Let's rob them," Blair crowed gleefully.

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