

"In any case, I also think you have to go out on a date, and it has to be a good date."

Colt tilted forward in his seat and snatched the folded piece of paper from the tabletop. Cadmus watched it unfurl as he smoothed it out with the palm of his hand.

He swallowed and raked a hand through his hair. "Okay, so what makes a date good?"

"There are many things. A nice location, engaging conversation, dressing appropriately, and open body language. I could go on all day, my lord. But, more to the point, your date with the lady has to be a good date, if not a great date. Just don't overdo it like last time."

Good date. Great date. 

These are all phrases without much meaning for Cadmus. Without a doubt, he understood why the date had to be either good or great. The goal was for Blair to fall in love with him. Deep down, he thought he was being a bit devious. 

But one thing Colt said sat uncomfortably on Cadmus's conscience.

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