

Blair was already outside Luna Solis campus when Cadmus caught up.

He was roused from his sleep by the absence of warmth. When he came to and looked out the window, he spotted her making her way to the gates. She was soaked wet in the rain once more as she hurried outside.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Cadmus exclaimed, making Blair skid to a halt. "It's still pouring hard! You're really going to be sick at this rate!"

"Your Highness." 

He made sure to bring an umbrella this time. Now that they had each other, they were less easily spooked by the loud noises. Even then, her hands were tightly clenched around his wet uniform when she joined him under the umbrella. He set a firm hold on its handle to keep it steady. 

The sky was still gloomy and rumbling with dark clouds, rain loudly pattering on their umbrella before running down their skin in ice-cold rivulets. 

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