

There once lived a duo of Kim Aye Chul and Kim Aye Ri. They were best friends. They grew up in the same house. They were un partable. Both girls loved each other dearly and were always a fan of adventure.

Both girls were lively. In the blink of an eye Aye Ri turns 14. Kim Aye Chul is around the same age (because her age is unknown). During this time the parents talk about Kim Aye Chul's adoption. She was an orphan found on their doorstep all alone with a note to save her. Soon after her original parents find her and take her away to Paris. They part a sad Goodbye.

Subsequently eleven years have passed. Aye Ri is living a life full of hardships and troubles. Her parents died in a car accident 3 years ago. She was the only survivor from her family.

She doesn't have that many friends, only her colleagues from her old job which consisted of Hieri, Lisa and Jennie. They were half American and half Korean. They lived in the same apartment as her's.

She just got fired due to a rude patient and was now looking for a job. She applied for many jobs ranging from clerk to even stooping low as a security with an M.B.B.S degree. She was specialized in dermatology. But ALAS she got rejected from all of them. When suddenly she received an e-mail from a re-knowned international company "Jolie" (meaning: pretty)

The e-mail consisted of the interview schedule as well as the timing. She was head over heels from joy. She screamed not abling to control her emotions. Hieri and Jennie both looked at Aye Ri, shocked. She filled them in about the e-mail. The trio was thrilled to hear the news.

The squad then went for shopping to prepare for Aye Ri's interview. Because Aye Ri was broke, her friends became her bank account. They all enjoyed. At the end of the day, they went to a bar and drank their hearts out.

On the day of the interview Aye Ri dolled herself up and went to the firm. She was given the first position for interview although others came in long ago. She was then directed to the CEO's office. She introduced herself.

Aye Ri couldn't see the person's face, when in a split second the person in the chair stood up and faced Aye Ri. She was Kim Aye Chul, her sister. Aye Ri was surprised and without a further ado she hugged her. Both sisters shared a moment with each other.

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