
Conducting the investigation

Ray contacted Nia and Eve and asked them to meet at the hotel. As he reached there both girls were already present in the lobby.

"Follow me." Ray led the way to the main room, surveyed the surroundings, and closed the door as all entered the room.

"Why are you acting strange? Where is B?" Eve questioned.

"B is in the camp. I have a letter for us as B said to only open when all three of us are present. Nia, you open it." Ray handed the envelope to Nia.

Nia tore it and read it aloud in a small but clear voice.

<<"Prepare for an emergency situation. Save the life first. Stop the search for the code number and investigate the death. I will find out about Mr. Oliver and leave the number for later.

Beware of the situation. You could be in danger so being safe will be the first priority. Don't act over-smart and wait for my instructions. Nia and Eve are teams for the investigation and Ray would be back to camp in the early morning. Eve will be responsible for Nia's safety.

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