
Victims of War

Time slowed down to a halt in Rui's perspective as scrutinized the frozen prince. He glanced at the two Martial Masters beside the man. While they looked forward, he could feel their attention and alertness. If he made so much as the wrong move, he would die before he realized it.

He glanced back at the Martial Prince, evaluating him. 'He's rhetorically effective with his Martial supremacy, I'll give him that.'

The answer to his question was obviously in favor of his rhetoric, but it also tied back to their first exchange where he stopped Rui from bowing down to him.

It was a good compelling way to try and gain Rui's approval.

Yet Rui also knew that he was putting on an act, to a certain extent. He had sensed the aristocratic and Royal bearing in the man's demeanor and body language. It was an interesting nuance.

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