

"Shame." Rui shook his head. "But at the end of the day, it is what it is."

Nel met up with them once he got off the ring, grinning ecstatically. He was immediately bombarded with biddings of congratulations.

"Great fight." Rui told him.

"It was awesome." He grinned. "Wish we could fight more, but this thing ends today right?"

"Yeah." Rui said. "One way or another. But you can fight us even in the future."

"Hehe... I sure will." He said as he each of them. "All of you."

Soon, Fae joined them, after being healed up, with a dismayed expression.

"Why the long face?" Kane asked teasingly.

"Shut up." She glared at him.

"You came pretty close." Rui consoled her.

"Indeed." Hever agreed. "Just the slightest difference and the match could very well have gone down a different path."

"Yes, but it didn't go down that way." She sighed. "The fact that it went the way it did was mainly my fault. I still have many shortcomings to fill up before I can be satisfied with myself."

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