
Act 1, Chapter 4

Suddenly the forest no longer seemed to stretch out to you in a friendly manner, instead trying to intimidate you and drown you in its splendor.

You regret the choice of your room somewhat, but there was no other room apart from the significantly smaller guest room on the ground floor.

You were about to turn away from the window when you saw something white in the reflection behind you.

It looked like... a face.

All of a sudden you were spinning around in seconds, your heart pounding madly in your chest.

But apart from the white door to the bathroom, there was nothing that came into view.

Still in shock, you looked around the room almost in panic before you could get a grip on yourself.

With careful steps you made your way to the right bedside table and grabbed the lamp with only the shade remaining in your hands.

Your gaze was fixated on the door to the bathroom, that's where you saw the face.

You walked silently towards the door before you yanked it open with all your strength and held the paper-lamp-shade protectively in front of you.

The bathroom was empty and that was exactly what you expected.

Your tense shoulders relaxed again and slumped to your sides, shade still in hand, you took a deep breath.

"Am I already hallucinating?" you asked yourself and into the void.

You had heard that people would freak out if they were lonely for too long, but that could happen too when being around other people.

You knew you would feel terribly lonely, especially for the first few weeks if not months, but you didn't expect your brain to respond with hallucinations.

And you were quite sure that there, in the reflection of the glass, was a face behind you near the door, imagined or not, it was there if only for a split second.

You slept badly that night.

Again and again you woke up for no apparent reason and each time the almost suffocating darkness of the forest greeted you.

The window had opened another time, it was after you had showered and entered the room dressed in your pajamas.

The wind that swept through the window again made you sigh once more.

You ran down the stairs and searched the drawers in the kitchen before you found what you were looking for, rubber bands.

Without further ado you grabbed one and went back upstairs.

Arrived at the window, you twisted the rubber band several times around the two handles that were on the inside of the frame of both windows.

You turned it until you were sure that the rubber band would not allow the windows to be opened any more and went to sleep.

But it wasn't just the constant waking up that bothered you that night, your dreams didn't seem to be on your side either.

Again and again the face that you had seen hours before flashed in front of your eyes and with each time it seemed to come closer to you, as if you could touch it soon.

More and more details joined the face and while it wasn't a nightmare you woke up with a racing heart.

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