
Not breaking the rule.

"Xiaowei, are you sure Lady Yu Ling is engaged in the kitchen? What if she comes back suddenly?" Yang Ning asked in a hushed voice when Xiaowei returned to the chamber after checking on Court Lady Yu Ling in the kitchen. 

Xiaowei shook her head and said, " She won't. She is overseeing the kitchen staff while they are preparing your meal. From the looks of it, she will be in the kitchen for a while." She reported. 

Yang Ning understood her words and nodded while she started calculating the possibility of her leaving the Yang Household without Yu Ling knowing. 

Because if Yu Ling finds out that she is going to the Royal Palace, she will not leave her in peace. She had already told Yang Ning to not do anything and stay at the Yang Household already. 

However, how can she do that? If she cannot help Zheng Liang in this situation, she should at least do what is in her hands. 

Next chapter