
Bye bye crystals

The girl almost immediately rose from the ground and screamed her way through the ajar door to the cottage.

"Mommy, the sleeping master has awoken!"

Aron looked around and noticed he was lying on a simple bed covered in wolf furs. The structure in which he lay was obviously one of Bil's wooden huts. He was exhausted, thirsty, and hungry. He only realized after a while that his entire abdomen was bandaged and that the wound he had sustained was so serious that it put him in a coma.

However, it was this child who took him by surprise. Bron ran into the hut where the child could have come from just as Aron was contemplating this.

"Sir, we were afraid you wouldn't wake up again because of how long you were unconscious! Are you in any pain? Should I call someone or bring you something?"

"Calm down, and give me something to drink."

"Ahh yes, of course, already!"

Aron greedily drank the water from the bowl that Bron handed him. He set it down as soon as he finished and asked.

"All right, now tell me whose child this is and how long I was unconscious."

Bron bowed his head, avoiding the eyes of the young knight, in whose head various speculations appeared.

"It's not possible that I've been unconscious so long that either of you get a baby, right?"

"Noooooo it's not that. Lord, you were unconscious for four days. We were really worried. But that girl is not a child of either of us."

Bron's confused reply.

"So where did she come from?"

"My lord because when you were unconscious ..."

At that moment a woman ran into the hut with a child in her arms and another one following right behind her, interrupting Bron. The child in the arms was no more than two years old, and the girl who was now hiding behind the woman's leg was no more than six years old. The mother herself was a middle-aged, tall and very beautiful woman, generously endowed by nature. She was dressed in a simple linen dress with a large neckline that was supposed to help with feeding the baby.

"Forgive me my lord, I'm sorry for my daughter's behavior."

"Lord, because when you were unconscious, it was precisely that woman Tania who in response to the Grymuar's call came to Silem with six children, we could not leave them to ourselves... And since Bil continued to build the rest of the huts like you ordered, we had some available for them. "

"With how many children?"

Aron, surprised, replied. The woman in front of him does not look old enough to have six children.

"Ehhhh Mirena is the girl who lives with us, she is not my daughter, but this is how we treats her"

Aron eyed Bron and then looked at the woman who was clearly scared. So he smiled broadly at her.

"Relax, you can stay here as long as you like. But where are the rest of the kids, I can only see two of them?"

At that moment, a boy a little older than the girl appeared behind the door, peering from the other side of the woman. The woman bowed slightly, causing the abundant breasts to almost spill out of the neckline, and she replied with a smile.

"Thank you sir! The rest have to help outside, they're a little older than those three. Ehhh this young man was supposed to move brushwood. "

The mother grabbed the boy's ear and bowed slightly towards Aron. The young knight himself got slight blushes.

"We had a pretty hard life. Me and Mirena were maids and in the past we did other jobs. So I don't despise any other job either. My eldest son helps with the tree and my other daughters also help outside. We are not afraid of any work and you can ask us for anything "

Tania winked at the knight who was even more embarrassed. He guessed there must be more to the story behind this woman, but he didn't want to ask, as a woman with six children without a husband was a little strange. As soon as he checks Grimoire, he'll probably get all the answers.

Seeing the crowd by the cabin in which the wounded knight was lying, Morris went there as quickly as possible.

"Please let our patient breathe, he hasn't eaten in more than four days, make room. Go go!! "

A second person walked in with Morris and immediately chased the mother with the children and Bron from the hut. The person was a beautiful young woman with braided brown hair long down to the waist and an innocent freckled face. She was also generously endowed by nature, so that the dress leaned on accentuated curves that were barely held by the ties of a linen dress. On her shoulder she had a bag and in her hand was a bowl with a steaming stew, the smell of which immediately spread throughout the hut.

"Lord, you don't even know how happy I'm! Meet Mirene, Tania's foster daughter. She knows herbs, and for the past two days she has been taking care of you, feeding you, and changing bandages. We were so worried about you... "

"I'm already good, thank you. And see nothing even hurts me"

Aron didn't want to show any weakness, so he immediately tried to get up, but a slight twinge of pain in his side stopped him from doing so.

"I would not advise getting up yet, the wound has just healed, it's a miracle that it was so fast and that no infection could be found. You must lie down here for the next few days. "

With a slight sigh, Aron lay back down. At that moment his stomach rumbled loudly so that the others obviously heard it, but with stony faces they tried to maintain a seriousness.

"Why don't you eat first? And then we'll go over to my report? "

As soon as the knight ate, Mirena changed the bandage to a fresh one. Everyone was quiet. When she was done, she left them alone without a word.

"She is a good girl I don't say. But a strange one also. Ahhh I have something important to report… We didn't know when you would wake up… so I started training my boys in the bronze aura technique. My level of aura is also higher. To my surprise, the four of them quickly got to the basics. And yes I know... I shouldn't be doing this without your permission... but the presence of goblins in the area is increasing and we had no other choice. Fortunately for us, the second such big attack was not repeated. But everyday we are killing some of them. "

"Were you able to learn the technique without using Grymuar scrolls? It's fantastic! You have nothing to apologize for. We have to make everyone stronger, and make some defense buildings. How many goblins attack us? "

"We see goblins watching us from the bushes practically every day, but they don't attack. They are only watching us. We managed to catch a few of them. Apart from Tania and her little group, this morning a family of three also arrived. Farmer with wife and small child. We have prepared some fields for cultivation and some of them have already been sown according to the plans you have prepared. On the hill itself, we have already finished building the huts and started clearing the peninsula. Now we have a stock of over 200 wooden beams. "

"The guys, I see, have not been idle. Later send Bil here, I will have more requests for him."

"Oh, and before I even go. We collected many arrows and bows, some bronze knives and axes. And these are all the crystals that we managed to obtain from goblins. Please take it."

The older man handed the knight a linen bag filled to the brim filled with crystals.

"As soon as you need anything, Miren and Bron are sleeping in these two small rooms at night. If necessary, call one of them. Miren is practically all the time in the hut, or in front of the hut. She has self-proclaimed to be your maid. You can see that the girl has experience in working with the nobility. I am going on patrol, the number of goblins will not be reduced by themselves. Hehehe. Get well, my lord! "

As soon as Morris left, Aron checked the contents of the bag of crystals. He had fortyfive crystals in total.

Wasting no time, the young man checked the Grymuar which in the mission section showed the reward from the battle in which he was wounded. The new design of the wooden knight's tower was included in the available projects.

[project: a two-story wooden knight's tower (Attention! A complicated construction project can only be understood by experienced builders!)]

[20 small mana crystals, 200 wooden beams to build a basic two-story tower]

Aron had big dilemma, according to the book, Bil was not yet at the appropriate level to be able to learn this project. And the very cost of magically erecting the building was colossal.

The young knight, after a brief debate on the pros and cons inside his head, decided to use magic to build a tower. He needed a defensive building of some sort, especially since he was now unable to help in defending. The tower, which will be able to perform its functions almost immediately, will be able to serve as a defense bastion in the event of another such large attack by the goblins.

Without much further thought, he chose to build the tower and after a while 20 small crystals disappeared from the bag.

Next chapter