

Everyone was stunned. No one could say a word. Galata stared with her tiny eyes into Gil's eyes.

"Is this the love at first sight that I read about in some of my aunt's books?"

Aron thought, but shook himself quickly as Gil turned towards him.

"Gil has no time to waste, my lord, Gil wants to marry this beautiful lady, now!"

"Stop! What wedding? You know each other for only a few seconds! "

Amilia shouted as she jumped between the two people.

"Sister, but I want to marry Gil! Nobody has ever told me that I am beautiful ... "

"Enough. This is not a reason to get married right away! "

Amilia was arguing with Galata now. The men standing around didn't know what to do. Aron did not expect such a reaction from Gil, much less a response from Galata. Was there something wrong with her too?

"I will marry him whether you like it or not! I don't want you to take care of me anymore! I am now an adult and I want to decide about my own life!

Galata exploded and threw herself into Gil's arms, resulting in Amilia growing more angry.

"Go away ugly woman, leave us alone! Gil love the beautiful Galata. "

Bil and Aron burst out laughing at that moment. And Amilia turned red with anger.

The quarrel lasted almost two hours, the others began to come together to see all the commotion. When the quarrel finally ended, Amilia, resigned, left the hut with Bil and Aron. Fortunately, the weather was already nice and the only evidence that it was raining a moment ago were small puddles.

"So we have to make them a wedding tomorrow, yes?"

Bil said tiredly.

"It looks like it, nothing can be said to their minds."

Aron replied and looked at Amili who was just starting to cool down.

"My little Galeta ..."

"Everything is gonna be okay. Don't worry, my brother won't hurt her for sure. He is not bad man"

Bil patted her shoulder.

"You said you worked for a tailor, right? You have a great opportunity to show me your skills. Get some clothes for Gil for tomorrow. You saw what he was wearing. We have some linen cloth, but we don't have any dye. "

The young knight said, waving to Bron, who was already next to him.

"He will show you the area and bring you everything you need for sewing"

Then he turned to Bill.

"Well, you have to get on with building a third building for your brother."

Everyone was slowly getting down to business, only Galeta was still following Gil in the woods. It was a bit weird but it didn't interfere with his work. Apparently she wanted to spend more time with her future husband.

Aron stated that he could not attend the wedding in the old cottardi, so he took out of the tent the things previously belonging to the magister and took them with a few wolf skins to the new sewer for alterations.

In the meantime the knight checked information about girls. What Amili said was true. Both girls lived in a small town. But they lost jobs and sought new opportunities outside.

Aron decided to give Bron a day's break today, and as soon as he had finished his clothes, he went to see Morris looking after the piglets.

"Morris, take your spear, we're going to patrol the woods."

Morris finished the cleaning at the pigsty without further ado, and soon they were both checking the vicinity of the hill. The peninsula was already well combed and Morris knew every nook and cranny of it, so the two of them let it go. They started on the north side of the hill.

The forest at the Silem hill on the north side was quite sparse, but the more towards the cliff the trees grew denser, and thinned again near the cliff itself. The young knight and the spearman, however, did not go that far.

When the vicinity of the hill turned out to be safe, Aron decided to return to the lake and check the shore towards the east. About a kilometer from Silem, an unexpected sight awaited them on the beach. That's a bad word for the beach. It would be more appropriate to say: on a tree by the beach.

About fifteen meters from the waterline, a fragment of a ship was stuck into the nearby trees.

"Either I see things or something caused a piece of the ship to land on a tree."

Morris said in surprise, and Aron stunned just stood there.

The ship was shattered to pieces, and it was hard to tell what part of it was in front of two. Only a small part of the hull was suspended from the tree. There were lots of planks detached from it all around.

"What has the power to rip a ship apart and send it flying?"

Aron asked, looking nervously towards the lake.

"Something seems to be alive in the lake and has meant that we haven't seen any ships so far. But there is a need to get closer and check this wreck. Currently, even boards can be useful to us "

"You're right, Morris, but stay vigilant."

After a few moments, both of them were at the hanging wreckage. There were lots of scattered deck boards, barrels and crates all around. Some of the contents, judging by the stench, were food, but the surrounding animals have already cleaned most of them. Apart from a few planks on the ground, nothing was reusable.

Some promises were made by the part of the hull suspended from a tree. The branches had to absorb some of the impact. However, the impact itself practically brought the trees level with the ground. Morris started the check area and Aron decided to look inside. After a few minutes of gymnastics and light climbing of trees, Aron managed to get in through one of the many holes.

It must have been one of the cargo hatches that somehow survived being disconnected from the ship and then hitted the trees. There was a terrible stench inside. The small amount of light coming through the holes made it difficult to navigate inside.

When Aron's eyesight adjusted, he saw the interior of the room. Most of the crates and barrels were shattered, numerous clumped earthenware mosaics on the floor next to the rotting food. But not only the food was rotting there, but the body of a man lay unnaturally against one of the walls, so warped that he did not seem to have any whole bone.


Aron vomited profusely with the contents of his stomach and, without waiting, struggled to the surface, gasping for air.

"Are you okay my lord?"

"Yes, only my stomach could not stand the stench."

Aron took a deep breath and continued.

"This is probably where the linen box came from. There may be something to be salvaged inside. Besides, there is a corpse of a man, who must have been inside during the flight. Did you find anything in the area? "

Aron dusted himself off and climbed down from the hanging wreckage.

"Yes, I found a broken crate with a woolen fabric nearby, but the impact must have thrown all the contents and there were only a few meters of that fabric there."

Morris answered the young knight, holding a cloth mutiny on his shoulder.

"Good, let's go back for now. You can come here later with the guys and bring up to the hill whatever you find useful "

Both of them were back on the hill some time later. Aron with the new material went to Amili, then grabbed Bron and trained with him until late in the evening to fight with the sword.

When they returned to dinner after hard training, Aron noticed that Galata was cooking some food over the fire in a simple pot. But the surprised Aron was faced by Morris.

"It's great that you are here my lord! We managed to get some things out of the wreckage. And we buried that unfortunate one. "

A middle-aged man spoke excitedly.

"In a few days, with the help of horses, we should bring from there everything down to the last board. But that's not all, inside we found a few copper pots and even a pot in which our dinner is being cooked. Somehow, two clay bottles with wine have survived, they were placed in a box full of hay. And there are a few more intact barrels and crates! "

Excited, Morris was practically screaming in his face. When Aron thought that Moris' excitement was over, he felt a familiar scent from him. Only he couldn't remember where he knew the smell from. Oh yes, it was...

"We found a BEER in one of the barrels!!!"

Next chapter