
Like a Real Magician

[Current Objective: Survive... Completed!]

[Congratulations, you've survived all waves of enemies!]

[Congratulations, none of your subjects died!]

[In recognition of your achievements, you receive:

-a new page in the {magic} section

-five subjects with combat potential]

[Additional award:

-five wolf skins

-five small mana crystals]

Magic circles began to appear around the bodies of the killed wolves and goblins. After a second, the corpses were gone, and five people stood in their place.

They were all men. Upon a quick glance, none of them stood out in particular except one who was clearly older than the rest and slightly better dressed, and he appeared to be middle-aged.

Except for the older man, they were all dressed in straight lines of tunics. The older man had a woolen tunic and finer leather boots.

Aron was approaching them calmly on his horse, and when the five men saw him, they all bowed to him.

The eldest raised his head and began loudly, "Mighty sir, my name is Moris. With these four fools behind me, we responded to the Grymuar's call to help you."

The man pointed to his companions, and after bowing, he continued, "For the last ten years, I have served in the guard in my old master's village. I am sure that I will be useful to you. I know writing and calculus and am not afraid of fighting. These four were to be recruits for the guards but no training. They will serve you with no qualms, but I, my lord, have my conditions to serve you. "

Aron looked surprised at Moris still sitting in the saddle. This was the first time a person summoned by the grimoire had some conditions before being subjected to him.

He looked at the man once more. His face appeared to be no more than 40 years old, and the evidently prominent muscles confirmed his words. However, his manner of speaking also suggested an education.

"Tell me what your conditions are."

"My Lord, this lowly servant is not expecting much. As I said, I have served my last master for ten years. However, even after many years of service, he did not endow me with an aura technique," He sighed. "I know… maybe it is too much, but please. I figured that someone chosen by the great Grymuar could surely endow me with an aura technique. That was my reason for coming here. I want to achieve something in my life! Become a mighty warrior like my ancestors!" Moris almost screamed the last sentence.

This man clearly had a long story. Aron dismounted and opened the grimoire, but he did not have enough crystals to grant him the Flow Aura scroll.

However, he took out one crystal and exchanged it for the Stone Aura scroll without saying a word. The next moment he had the new scroll in his hands and handed it to Moris.

"Well then, take this scroll with the Stone Aura Technique. Be the rock that protects Silem from its enemies!"

For Aron, it was a small price to exchange one crystal for one experienced warrior, even without an aura.

"Thank you, my lord. I will be a shield for defense and a spear for attack! Wherever you point, I will g, and bring victory!"

Aron nodded, satisfied. "Tear the scroll, and you will have your technique!"

Moris tore the scroll at once and grinned from ear to ear.

After a few moments, everyone was inside the structure. Moris helped Aron unsaddle his horse, and the rest of the fighters lay tired on the ground.

"Gil doesn't want to fight anymore! Gil is tired!"

A large woodcutter was lying on the ground. His brother, who was lying next to him, kicked him lightly.

"Stop it, Gil. You will fight as soon as Mr. Aron orders you to do so. We can't let him down!"

"But Gil doesn't have the strength anymore. Gil prefers to cut down trees."

Aron turned wearily towards the brothers.

"You will definitely not have to fight today. Today we are just resting, and tomorrow, Gil, you'll be able to go back to cutting down your trees." The young knight smiled.

"We have to start work tomorrow. We wasted all the wood on this construction, and tomorrow we have to dismantle it and build a simple hut. Next, we will build more of them as fast as possible. You don't want to sleep in the open air forever, do you?" Aron laughed and turned to Moris.

"I know you're new here. But you seem to be someone I can rely on. Please arrange some of the people who came with you. Have them fell some trees. By the end of the day, post someone to be a guard. You should find some spears in the vicinity of the tent. If I remember correctly, we should have other spearheads, and you can use those. I'm going to eat and sleep now. Please wake me up if it's important."

Aron, heading towards the tent, looked around the camp again. Tired, Bron lay down exhausted at the entrance as soon as he noticed the disappearing bodies and that Aron had safely returned to the base.

Aron knew that in a dangerous situation, he would be the first to jump in. Fortunately, the threat was over, and now everyone could rest.

When the young knight took the dry bread from the pannier, he realized that the food supplies would not be enough for such a large group for long. He estimated that by tomorrow at the latest, he would have to come up with something. He wolfed down his portion and opened the entrance to the tent.

In the center of the tent were folded hides and five small mana crystals received from the grimoire as a reward. Aron took the pelts of expertly skinned wolves, and after only a few seconds, he was already in dreamland.

He woke up less than an hour later. The sun was slowly going west. The young man checked his grimoire with a bit of daytime to spare.

Moris's information matched what he said. He served as a spearman in the village of his former master.

With an iron potential, he was a precious asset for Aron. The other four had bronze warrior potential but were still better than two lumberjacks. They all came from the same village.

Aron didn't quite understand something. The subjects that the grimoire was sending lived in some other Kingdom, but somehow that Kingdom differed from those known to the young man.

From what he understood, those areas were as dangerous and similar as the land in which they are now. The young knight had many questions about the grimoire but decided to postpone it and focus on more current affairs.

Namely, a new page in the {magic} section allowed him to do the same as a specific page in the {aura} section.

He could now, among other things, repair and complete the magic techniques recorded in the grimoire.

Without delay, he chose an unfinished meditation technique, and an option appeared to complete the technique for 8 small crystals. The price was high, and Aron hesitated to make up his mind. However, it didn't take long.

[Basic meditation technique]

Unlike the aura, Aron couldn't name that technique. As soon as he saw its description, he was slightly surprised. By cultivating it, he could not become a full mage but a third-degree novice.

The meditation technique surprised Aron that this technique did not focus primarily on meditation. Yes, meditation was its most important element.

But the meditation described in it was just a tool to obtain what the technique called mana.

He would then channel this mana into his mind to build specific runes. The technique contained all the runes needed by newcomers to do magic up to three levels.

Unaware of what he was doing, Aron began to meditate, further reading all the techniques' steps.

"So using mana, I must now try to make this symbol permanent in my mind. It couldn't be easier." The young man thought.

If the dead Edward heard his thoughts, he would probably have had a heart attack.

Geniuses usually had to collect mana with techniques for weeks before attempting rune formation. However, the first rune was already forming in Aron's mind after less than an hour of meditation.

When Aron completed the meditation technique, he created the most optimal technique for beginners.

However, even the Grymuar was very surprised at this point but could not show it to the world.

After Aron had finished meditating, Grymuar had all the necessary data and was even more surprised.

"It is possible that this victim of fate that I have found is not all that bad," thought the old book.

Aron got up and realized that the sun was already setting, and his subjects were probably waiting for him outside.

He stood and thought, "According to the meditation technique, everyone begins their path of magic after creating the first rune in mind. So from now on, I can call myself a first-level novice? Following this line of reasoning, I am almost like a real magician?"

As if to answer Aron's questions, he heard a familiar sound.


Finally, Aron began his magical path.

What do you think about it?

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