
Chapter 13: Hating Tia

Chapter 13: Hating Tia

Cypher tried to leave but Maggie stopped him and pushed him up against the wall.

"She's your daughter!"

"You think I don't know that! She's my child but thanks to you and Emerald, I get to hate my blood just a little bit and I get to hate myself for hating her. I will see you in ten days, Maudlyn. Let her run wild again and I will make it a month!"

Maggi released him. "Yes, your majesty"

She watched as he walked away before she went to Tia.

"Come on, child. Food is ready. I made your favorite"

Tia followed her quietly behind but along the way she stopped and looked out the window.

"Papa is dreadfully busy yet he makes time for me, Maggie. He is a good Papa, isn't he? He just wants what's best for me"

"His Majesty is a saint indeed" Maggi said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"I shall go to my bedchamber and devise a plan to present to Papa in five days. I have to convince him that I am ready to protect myself now and to meet my prince. Thank you, Maggie, for the brilliant idea!" Tia picked up the helm of her dress and raced to her room.

"What idea?!" Maggi yelled after her.

Tia went back to her room and Maggi followed behind to find the newest addition to the exiled royal family.

"Tia? Why am I staring at a baby tiger?"

Tia turned around and looked at the object of Maggie's stare.

"Oh" she rubbed her head "It's not a giant cat?"

"No, it's not. It's a tiger. Can't you tell the difference, Tia?" Maggie held the door open and slowly she moved towards Tia to move her out of harm's way.

"Don't make any sudden move, your royal highness. Just slowly back away" Maggie whispered to the princess.

Maggie knocked over a vase and spooked the tiger and it jumped on her.

"Oh Maggie. Vengeance will never hurt you. She is just playing with you"

"No, it's trying to take my hand…the blasted creature!"

Tia came forward and picked the cat up. "Come, Vengeance. Let's leave Maggie be. If you eat her, we wouldn't have anyone to talk to"

Tia walked out and the cat followed her.

"Get rid of that creature, Tiamat!"

The cat turned around and bared it's teeth at Maggie like it could understand everything and he was threatening Maggie into submission.

"Or we can keep him" Maggi told the cat.

"Come, Vengeance" Tia giggled and took off in a run.

Maggi went to her bedroom and she took out the only portrait of the former Queen Emerald and she ran her hand on it.

"He is punishing her for your mistake, my lady. I don't know how much longer I can keep her safe. She has your will and her father's fascination for unexplained things. She is naive as an infant even though she is a woman. she is hidden away from the rest of the world, never seen anyone except for me, the old royal announcer and King Cypher yet he won't let things go. He won't…"

The door opened, interrupting Maggi's private one sided conservation.

"Who's that?" Tia pointed at the portrait.

"No one…" Maggi quickly tried to hide it away but the princess was quick on her feet as she snatched it from her.

"She is beautiful. Wait…" Tia went to stand by the full length mirror by the corner. Her eyes suddenly lighting up in pure bliss.

"We have the same hair and noses…lips too. I have blue eyes and she doesn't, I get that from my father. Maggi is…is she my mama?" Tia looked up at her nursemaid and she waited for the answer but the silence from Maggi herself was her own form of answer.

"But…but, Papa told me all of Mama's portrait was destroyed by the great fire when the dragons attacked the Midland. That's why he keeps me here for my own safety!"


"You lied to me, Maggie. You are a liar. Liars are bad! You are bad" Tia turned around and she fled with the portrait.

As soon as she got to her room, she started throwing things into her bag. Things she believed one would need for an adventure.

Picking up Vengeance the cat, she slipped out the windows and into the forest she went. She was determined to be free from the lonely castle and Maggie's deception. If she can make her way to the central castle, she could finally be free and see her father everyday. Maybe even find a prince that would love her.

Tia followed the story and the maps she had studied until she stumbled into a village.

She stood still taking in all of the many people she was bumping into. Smiling like she had just been handed the throne of Lamek on a platter.

She saw a young girl that looked as young as she was. She had never seen someone her age before. She approached her and she stared with twinkles in her eyes like she was beholding a goddess.

"Are you alright?" The young girl asked her.

Tia smiled brightly and touched the girl's chin. She could feel the happiness building up until she was at the verge of exploding.

"You are absolutely beautiful. Are you a princess too?"

The girl chuckled at the compliment she was paid and looked at the young girl in front of her. She was wearing a blue dress and shoes of high quality that weren't meant for the dirty grounds of Naz village.

"Are you lost?"

"No, my nursemaid Maggie lied to me and I ran away from my father's private castle"

Tia saw the young girl's eyes widen in surprise as she came to realize that she was indeed in the presence of royalty.

"It can't be true" she murmured.

"What can't be true?" Tia asked her.

"You are Tiamat Cypher-Dumont, princess of Lamek!"

The girl went to her knees immediately.

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