
Chapter 29:The Rebirth of Tachyon

Chapter 29:The Rebirth of Tachyon

Myles, Harrison, and Jesse were outside of Central City, standing in a field surrounded by trees. Harrison was looking at the prototype device on Myles' chest while Jesse watched them both.

"So, how does it feel?" Harrison asked, examining the device.

Myles shrugged. "It's uncomfortable, but I can handle it. How does it work?"

Harrison began to explain the device, "It's designed to regulate your energy output to keep your powers stable. But it has its limits. If you overwork it, it might malfunction, causing it to shut down or worse, causing an energy overload."

Myles looked worried. "What happens if it malfunctions?"

Harrison sighed, "Your powers would be completely unregulated, causing you to explode, like a nuclear bomb."

Jesse's eyes widened, "That's scary. How do we know if it's going to malfunction?"

Harrison looked at Myles, "We don't. That's why we have to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't overheat."

Myles frowned, "So, I have to be careful about how much energy I use?"

Harrison nodded, "Yes, you have to conserve your energy. If you use too much, the device won't be able to handle it, and you might end up hurting yourself or others."

Myles looked down at the device, "I look like Iron man at this point."

Harrison placed a hand on Myles' shoulder, "We're here to help you. We'll monitor the device and make sure you don't overwork it. You're not alone in this." The poor man was unaware of Myles's rising emotions.

Jesse smiled, "Yeah, we're a team. We'll get through this together."

Myles could only offer an appreciative node but inside his head, "Oh god I've been infected by Barry's virus! Somebody kill me or something!" Myles looked at both of them and smiled trying to hide his annoyance, "Girl I don't need sidekicks, I'm Tachyon greatest thief alive." He thought.

"Jesse and I will be monitoring your vitals over there." Harrison pointed at the RV van. Myles gives a nod before walking away. He took a deep breath and adjusted the prototype device on his chest. He looked up at Harrison and Jesse, who were standing a few feet away from him.

"Ready when you are," Myles said with a grin.

"Be careful," Harrison cautioned. "We don't know how the device will hold up at high speeds."

Myles opened his eyes, a determined look on his face, black and white lightning dancing across his body. He started slow, then gradually picked up speed, running faster and faster until he was a blur, circling the globe with incredible speed.

He noticed the device on his chest, regulating his energy output and keeping his powers stable. However, he could also feel that it was limiting his speed. It was frustrating, but he knew it was necessary to keep himself and those around him safe.

Suddenly, Myles was hit with a vision. He saw Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin fighting against Bivolo. He gritted his teeth in annoyance, angry at Team Flash for interfering with Bivolo's work.

Myles ran back to Wells and Jesse, telling them that the device works but he wants it to be smaller.

"I can work on that," Harrison said, nodding.

Myles thought to himself about Barry messing up Bivolo's work. He knew he might have to cut his vacation short and return to Earth 1 to make things right. But he also knew he had to keep his secret safe. No one could know where he truly came from.

He took a deep breath, composed himself, and smiled at Jesse and Harrison. "Let's get to work," he said.

Meanwhile, in the Primal Force, a realm of utter chaos and order, where the very fabric of reality was constantly shifting and morphing. The white demon stood before the black figure, asking about the cage's future visions.

"So, do you think giving the cage visions of its future was a good idea?" the white demon asked.

"Fuck no, it was a risky move," the black figure replied, smirking. "But I'm confident that it'll take the bait and come back to Earth 1."

The white demon raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that? I mean, it's a pretty powerful entity."

The black figure chuckled. "Powerful, yes. But not smart. It's still just a cage, a prison. A living Carbon Walmart version of me! And it's going to fall right into our trap."

The white demon nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "I hope you're right. We've been planning this for a long time, and I don't want it to fail."

The black figure snorted. "Don't worry about it. We've got this under control. And when the cage finally arrives, we'll be ready to unleash hell."

"What about the device? Won't it hinder our plans?"

"No, if anything it's going to speed up our schedule."

"That doesn't make any sense. How can that thing help us?"

"White, if there's one thing humanity has failed to control, it's our instincts to always fuck up."


For the next three months, Harrison and Myles(Cage) spent countless hours working on the device to regulate Myles' powers. They went through several prototypes, each with its own set of challenges and limitations. There were moments of frustration and setbacks, but they persisted, driven by the desire to find a solution to stabilize Myles' powers.

During this time, Myles had to adjust to the limitations of the device, which regulated his energy output, causing him to run slower and lift less weight than before. But he persevered, knowing that it was necessary to keep his powers in check.

"Come on, Myles, you got this," Harrison said, cheering Myles on as he lifted a heavy weight.

Myles grunted, pushing himself to the limit. "This device is really making it tough," he said, sweat pouring down his face.

Harrison nodded. "I know, but we're making progress. Just a little bit more tweaking, and we'll have it perfect."

As they continued to work, their bond grew stronger, and they became good friends. They would often share stories and jokes, easing the tension of their rigorous work.

One day, as they were taking a break, Harrison looked at Myles and said, "You know, I have to say, I'm impressed with your dedication. Not everyone would be willing to go through all of this just to control their powers."

Myles smiled, grateful for the compliment. "Thanks, man. But I gotta admit, I'm doing this for selfish reasons too. I don't want to become a walking nuke."

Harrison nodded, understanding Myles' concerns. "I understand, its the least I can do for stopping Zoom."

Myles smiled, appreciating the support. "Thanks, Harrison. I couldn't do this without you."

They fist-bumped, ready to continue their work and make the device even better.


Myles stood on the rooftop of the tall building, looking down at the bustling city below. The new device on his chest gleamed in the sunlight, its intricate design a testament to the hard work put into it. The device was small and sleek, fitting perfectly onto Myles' chest without being too cumbersome.

He took one last look at the city of Earth 2, taking in the sights and sounds of his temporary home. He had come a long way since he first arrived, learning to control his powers and becoming more comfortable with his surroundings. But it was time to go back home, to Earth 1.

With a deep breath, Myles activated the device and rushed down the side of the building at super speed. As he neared the bottom, he saw the portal that would take him back to Earth 1.

Without hesitation, Myles jumped into the portal and felt the familiar rush of energy as he traveled through space and time. As he emerged on the other side, he was struck with a sense of nostalgia, feeling like he was finally home. He looked around at his surroundings, taking in the familiar sights and sounds of Central City. However, his sense of contentment quickly dissipated as he remembered the visions he had seen earlier.

With a sense of urgency, Myles rushed to check the news of what was happening in Central City. His annoyance grew as he saw that his visions were indeed accurate, with Barry and his team trying to stop Bivolo once again.

"Damn it, Barry," Myles muttered to himself, "You just had to interfere, didn't you?"

The thief quickly sighs and waits for any news of any crime happening until a homeless man called out to him, "Hey, Myles, is that you?"

Myles turned to see the man, and a smile spread across his face. "Hey, old man, how you been?"

The homeless man shuffled over to Myles and shook his hand. "I've been better. You know anything about what's going on with the Flash and Rainbow Raider?"

Myles's smile faded as he shook his head. "Nah, sorry man. I've been away for a while. What's happening?"

The homeless man's face twisted in worry. "It's bad, Myles. The war's escalating. People are getting hurt."

Myles's mind raced as he remembered his vision. Bivolo wasn't supposed to be that powerful. He tried to put the homeless man at ease. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it. I'll make sure no one else gets hurt."

The homeless man looked at Myles with hope in his eyes. "You still the kingpin, Myles?"

Myles patted the man's shoulder. "I'm still the kingpin. Don't worry, I got this."

With that, Myles left the homeless man and headed toward Central City. As he walked, he couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion. What was Barry doing? Bivolo wasn't supposed to be that powerful. But Myles was determined to find out what was going on and put a stop to it. Suddenly he receives another vision this time it was about Bivolo with his henchmen fighting Barry.

Myles felt suspicious, why was the speedforce giving him more visions? Shouldn't Barry need this? Anyways, he had to get there fast. Why? Because the fastest man alive got jumped... AGAIN!


Barry had never felt so exhausted in his life. His suit was torn, his hair was disheveled, and sweat dripped from his face as he stood facing off against Bivolo and his army of meta-humans. The battle had been raging for days, and Barry was beginning to feel like it was never going to end.

It was then that he noticed the strange device on Bivolo's head. "What is that thing?" Barry asked, his voice strained.

Bivolo grinned wickedly. "This? This is a little something I picked up from a man in a yellow suit. It amplifies my powers, making me even stronger than before. All I had to do was kill you and Tachyon."

Barry's eyes widened in shock. "The man in the yellow suit!? Where is he!?"

Bivolo laughed. "Oh, so you know him? How sweet. But I'm afraid that's all you're going to get out of me. I'm not in the business of making it easy for my enemies."

Barry gritted his teeth, his determination growing stronger. He had to know more about the man in the yellow suit, about why he had killed his mother. Why he came to their house that night and what he wanted from them. But Bivolo could sense his curiosity and mocked him.

"You really think I'm going to spill my guts to you, Flash? You're just like all the others - so desperate to know everything, but you'll never get what you want."

Barry's frustration grew, but he tried to maintain his composure. He had to find a way to defeat Bivolo and stop his army of meta-humans, and he couldn't let his emotions get the best of him.

"Get rid of him." Bivolo ordered, eyes glowing with power.

Rage and insanity surfaced into each metahuman as they responded to his commands and rushed towards the Flash only for a trail of black and white lightning suddenly appears, knocking out half of the army.

Bivolo and Barry knew who it was and both had different reactions. One was happy and the other was afraid.

As Tachyon knocked out half of Bivolo's army, he stopped in front of Flash. "The fastest man alive, my ass. The fastest man alive gets jumped by supervillains. Tachyon said, his tone irritated.

Barry breathed a sigh of relief at Tachyon's arrival. "Thank god you're here," he said, feeling a glimmer of hope.

Tachyon didn't waste time and sucker-punched Barry right in the face. "Ow, what the hell, man?" Barry complained. "Don't you dare ask me that!" Myles growled before scolding him. "Don't thank god, thank me, fool! And stop being such a baby. You're the one who wanted to be a superhero, now deal with it. You're lucky I came to save you, Flash. You always get yourself into these messes. How can you be so fast but still get your butt handed to you!?"

Barry rubbed his jaw before responding, "Yeah, but you love me for it."

Myles rolled his eyes in irritation before responding, "That was sus and you know it! Don't flatter yourself, Flash. I just don't want to see MY City fall apart."

Barry chuckled, "Yeah, yeah. You're just upset that I'm the one with the cool lightning powers now."

Myles shook his head before retorting, "Excuse me!? I'm not the one whos wearing a spandex made out of condom! And last time I checked I whooped your sorry ass with lightning!"

The two friends shared a moment of laughter before turning their attention back to Bivolo and his remaining army of meta-humans.

"Must be my lucky day." Bivolo interrupted their friendly banter, and Tachyon's irritation grew. "The clown has arrived. It's like Christmas," Bivolo taunted, "I get to beat up a speedster and a glorified clock."

Tachyon shot back, "I'm not the one wearing a disco ball on my head. You look like a reject from a bad 80s music video."

Bivolo smirked, "You think you can stop me, Tachyon? You're just a mindless puppet, with no real personality or will of your own."

Tachyon's irritation showed on his face as he retorted, "At least I'm not a second-rate villain like you, Bivolo."

Bivolo just chuckled and responded, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hit a nerve? Don't worry, I'll make this quick."

Bivolo's army charges towards Tachyon and Flash, Tachyon and Flash move at lightning speed, dodging the attacks and hitting the meta-humans with lightning-quick punches and kicks.

Tachyon couldn't help but taunt. "Is that all you got?"

Bivolo sneered, "You're just getting started, Tachyon. My army is endless."

Flash smirked and said. "We'll see about that."

As the army of meta-humans rushed towards them again, Flash and Tachyon braced themselves for the fight. Flash was quick to move, zipping around and taking out several of Bivolo's minions in a blur of red and gold. Tachyon moved in a blur of black and white, his punches and kicks creating shockwaves that knocked out multiple enemies at once.

The air was filled with the sounds of metal clashing against metal, grunts of pain, and the occasional explosion as Tachyon or Flash took out an enemy. Bivolo's army was strong, but Tachyon and Flash worked together seamlessly, their movements complementing each other's.

Tachyon shouted, "Flash, we need to take down Bivolo's device!"

Flash nodded, "on it!" and raced towards Bivolo. However, Bivolo was ready for him, and with a wave of his hand, he sent Flash flying back by another metahuman.

"Man, you've gotten a lot faster since the last time we ran together," Tachyon says, grinning.

"I could say the same about you," Flash replies, wiping sweat from his brow. "You've definitely got some upgrades."

Tachyon chuckles. "Well, I had a good friend."

The moment is interrupted as Tachyon suddenly pushes Barry away and gets hit by a blast of energy on the chest from a metahuman they didn't notice. Barry quickly knocks out the attacker, but he can see that something is seriously wrong with Myles.

"Myles, what's happening?" Barry asks concern etched on his face.

Myles lets out a groan of pain, and black and white lightning begins to spark around his body. "I can't control it," he says through gritted teeth. "My powers are going haywire."

Cisco's voice crackles over Barry's coms, "Barry, Myles is emitting a huge amount of dark matter energy. You need to get him out of Central city now!"

Barry looks back at Myles, who is now writhing on the ground, and knows that they need to act fast to save him.

Myles let out a groan, his body convulsing as the lightning intensified. "Barry, you need to get out of here. I can't control this."

While Barry was too busy helping Myles, Bivolo was another matter. The man was in shock, whatever he had done, whatever it was inside his former boss, was coming out. It was primal, it was ruthless, uncaring, and chaotic. Bivolo felt a primal fear wash over him as he realized that something had changed in Myles. He could sense a new power, something dark and dangerous, emanating from him. Bivolo knew that he was in serious trouble.

Barry nodded determination in his eyes. "I've got you, Myles. Hang on tight. Cisco, what can we do to help him?"

"I don't know, Barry." Cisco responded.

Myles gritted his teeth, his body trembling with the strain. "Barry, I can't hold on much longer. Something isn't right. You need to leave now!"

Barry placed a comforting hand on Myles' shoulder. "No, no, I'm not leaving you. You're not dying, here!"

Myles groaned. "Why do you have to say it like that?" With one swift motion, Myles managed to hurl away Barry just in time as his body can no longer contain the energy.

Myles let out a pained cry as the lightning reached a crescendo, the energy exploding outwards in a blinding flash. Just like the time of the particle accelerator. Once the light faded and the dust settled. Everyone in the area became tensed as Myles steps out of the crater.

His playful aura had been replaced by something more sinister. Myles' entire presence had transformed into an animal set loose. Black and white sparks of electricity danced all over his body and Myles' grin grew into more something sinister. Bivolo having the powers over emotions can feel Myles' emotions. It was drowning him in the pits of despair.

"Just as planned." Myles whispered as his eyes glowed black and white.

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