
Chapter 676 I Am the Mandate of Heaven_2

Gao Guang finished speaking.

After a moment, the Italian pilot finally responded, but he was very surprised and said, "What kind of joke is this, are you an idiot, or do you take me for one?"

Gao Guang coldly said, "You are very rude, Italian. I suggest you request instructions from your superiors and take the next step after receiving clear directives, over."

After addressing the Italian, Gao Guang continued, "Swiss pilot, Swiss Air Force, do you copy? I request that your side provide the necessary assistance. If formal diplomatic channels are needed for communication, someone will contact you. For now, all you need to do is accompany and surveil. Of course, it would be even better if you could shoot down the terrorist in front of us, over."

Gao Guang finished his speech, but neither the Swiss nor Italian Air Force fighters responded.

Even though it sounded fake, the problem was that it was too fake, which made it hard for others to simply dismiss it outright.

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