
638 Chapter: Lend a Brother a Hand_1

The ideal state is to brush off one's clothes and leave after the event, deeply hiding one's identity and fame.

The next best state is to brush off one's clothes and leave after the event, vehemently denying any involvement.

But when the Phantom Brigade forcibly detained him, insisting Gao Guang must participate in another exercise, this truly went beyond all of Gao Guang's expectations.

Because there was no reason for it, absolutely no need to do so, and judging from how eagerly Magus avoided it, even a blind man could smell something fishy.

There must be something going on, and it's not good waiting for Gao Guang; given the current situation, Gao Guang felt he was likely to be pushed out as some sort of figurehead.

What does that mean? It means that Phantom went up against Delta Force with Mad Dog, resulting in a sweeping victory.

Then Phantom went up against Butter Knife also with Mad Dog, resulting in an utter defeat.

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