
A God!?!

Without another word, the lead angel began walking with the other angels securing the sides of their captive. They didn't even disarm him, showing the extent of their confidence. It wasn't long before a glowing campsite came into view amidst the trees. The captive's heart sank further as he counted the tents in his head.

*One, two,... six, seven troop tents. With a minimum of four angels to a tent, that's almost three dozen of them, not including… a god?!?* The adventurer's mind scrambled in search of some means to survive, regardless of what it would take. *Maybe I could… No! I could never!*

"You're awfully quiet for a man with good questions," the lead angel jested. "No matter. You'll be meeting god now, so be silent unless asked to speak."

Nodding, the captive followed them into the largest tent at the center of the camp. The inside was brighter than the outside with magic torches filling the entire space in holy light, barely letting shadows exist. And in the center was a semi-transparent cloth wall, letting the man view a silhouette upon a throne.

"Ah… So the pests have finally noticed our existence?" A lofty chuckle boomed through the tent. "Or were you unlucky enough to meet us without notice? You may answer."

"We… had no prior knowledge that such prestigious beings were in the vicinity," replied the middle-aged adventurer, being careful with his speech.

"Then pray tell, what brought you to us and created this fated encounter?"

"We accepted the village's request to investigate the trade routes."

"Hmmm… So the pests aren't quite as incoherent as we'd expected…" Clicking his tongue, the man on the throne stretched and calmly stood up. "Then I suppose we shouldn't keep them waiting any longer…"

Silent, the middle-aged man trembled. With every step, he realized the difference between him and that lofty being all the more.

"Be grateful, for I shall allow you to witness the form of the great god, Iskar!"

The towering silhouette pulled back the curtain, standing almost three bromes high. His broad shoulders and muscular physique showed unparalleled strength, unhidden by his thin, open coat drooping down to his knees. Everything was white, including the light emitted by his presence which outshone the three angels combined.

"Speechless? As you should be, blight." The god was an arm's reach from the captive, but only the reach of the god's enormous arms. "Now, before I begin my campaign, tell me everything about this village, and about the walled town beyond the mountain. I believe you blights named it… Emor, yes?"

"I… I can tell everything I know," stated the man, bowing his head to not meet the god's gaze.

"Oh, you show respect, more than most of those pests. Answer my questions well, and I shall allow you into our ranks!" Grinning, the god drew closer and tilted the man's head to see him eye to eye. "You shall be the first of many, the first convert of the campaign!"

"I refuse."

"... What?" Amazed, the god brought his face closer, breathing down on the captive. "You now have permission to answer, so we'll strike your last statement."

"I refuse to join your cause."

"... Ha… Ha.. HA!" Breaking into laughter, the god cared not if his spit fell onto the captive's face. "Is that so? Were you perhaps a part of the Deific Wars, given your age?"

Getting a nod from the man, the god laughed harder with a twisted tone, "Really?! How depraved! You're one of the original fools who fell for that man's false ideals! Allow me to–"

"I STAND FOR FREEDOM! NOT ENSLAVING RELIGIONS!!" shouted the captive. His expression steeled more and more with every moment. The man immediately reached for the sword at his side, ready to stand for his beliefs from the god he now knew would never free him.

SLASH! Thud.

The man's arm swiftly fell to the ground before he could even touch the hilt of his blade.

Still laughing, the god smiled crazily at the smaller man, "AAAAHHH! You pests are the same! Disillusioned and mislead by that man–"

"The Conqueror bears the truth–"

SLASH… Thud..

"You're not even any fun…" Sighing, the god turned back toward his throne, ignoring the blood on the white carpet and casually crushing the severed head under his foot. "Get ready for the march. We begin the campaign immediately."

"Yes, your holiness!" the three angels replied in unison, bowing and not meeting their master's gaze.

While the angels scurried off and spread the word, the blood on the god's barefoot disintegrated away in a bath of light, leaving it spotless. He sat down once more while glaring at the corpse. "How dare you… No blight shall be left living to dampen my glory."

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