
A Part Of The Truth


The text messages coming from Mayu suddenly stopped coming and that confused me. I just got curious but not to the point of being overly worried. Maybe something happened all of a sudden that she wasn't able to mention to me.

I exhaled.

Okay, I lied about one thing.

I was worried.

But I could be patient in waiting for her to tell me what happened, right?


What was this? Maybe my twin brother wasn't the only one whose mind was in a mess because of a girl. But for me, at least I had the guts to admit it to people, unlike Setsuji.

I scratched the back of my head in frustration since I had no idea what to do next just for me to remove these thoughts that messed up my mind.

I was standing on the veranda of my room because I wanted to watch the sunset from there. It was already 10 minutes past 5 so I guessed I could still watch it.

That is... if I could still focus on watching it with a clear mind.

I looked like a fool as I was staring at my phone while sitting on the wooden lounge chair that faced the setting sun. Well, at least I had the guts to admit that I could be a fool sometimes.

Come on, Mayu! Could you at least send me a text message so that I won't look like a crazy man here thinking of possible things that could have happened? But seriously, I couldn't help wondering what could've happened for her to stop texting me all of a sudden.

Yes, I knew I was practically freaking out for quite a petty reason. But what should I do? If Mayu was just an ordinary girl for me, I would've just let it go. Fortunately, she wasn't like that to me at all.

She was more than that to me. But sadly, only I knew that certain truth. Of course, it made me sad as days passed by that I couldn't even say the truth to her. I knew full well that actions speak louder than words. But there were times when thoughts and feelings must also be conveyed through words.

I got startled when I heard the ringing tone coming from my cellphone. What surprised me more was the fact that it was an Incoming Call alert tone and that the call came from Mayu.

"I wonder what's wrong for her to call me like this?" I asked myself in a whisper. Mayu would only call me when there was news or random updates that she just learned and discovered.

The question was: What does Mayu want us to talk about?

But I would only know the answer to that if I decided to answer her call. And that was exactly what I did.

"Hello? Why did you suddenly stop replying to my text messages?" Until I felt myself stiffening because of the tone I used to ask that question.

I felt like I was her boyfriend with the way I asked that.

"You know what, if I was in the mood, I could've yelled at you with the way you asked me that question."

Yikes! She noticed that. Well, sorry for that. I was worried, okay? I couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry. What exactly happened? Was it sudden?"

"Has your twin brother arrived yet?"

I frowned all of a sudden when I heard that question. It was obvious that she wasn't running around the bush. So something did happen. "He's not here yet. Why?"

"I think your twin brother is starting to take a step, Seiho. Nako-chan told me that Setsuji-kun brought her to the place where the Promise Tree was standing at. Seiho, we both know what his actions mean."

"What?" Mayu was just joking, right?

I shook my head to diminish that thought. It was obvious to Mayu that she was worried if I would base it on her tone. And from that tone alone, I knew that she was telling the truth.

But what exactly happened that made my brother suddenly decide to bring Rinako to that place? Just like what Mayu was saying, we both knew the real significance of Setsuji bringing a girl to his favorite place in all of the areas within the land that the Miyahara and the Nakashima families owned.

"Did Setsuji mention anything about that to you?"

I shook my head even though I knew that Mayu won't even see that. I looked like a fool.

"No. I only knew that they were practicing today for the practicum. Only a few days more and it will be the day of the practicum."

"Then why did your twin brother decide to do something like that?"

I heard her sigh, an indication that she was also confused with everything that had been happening. "Hey... Just breath out and try to relax."

"How am I supposed to relax when we can't even tell what's going on with your twin brother's mind? He was doing things all of a sudden that we couldn't even fathom. Argh! This is so frustrating."

I only laughed at that. Well, that only proved how unpredictable my twin brother truly was. Even I couldn't keep up with his unpredictability. But even still, our connection as twins made me know what bothered him.

And these past days, I could tell that he was really confused.

"There's nothing funny, okay?"

"Sorry for that. Why don't you just let them be for now—"

But Mayu cut me off. "Let them be? Seiho, your twin brother already blurted out his anger toward those girls he had hurt before to Nako-chan. He's already exposing himself to her by giving hints about the real reason why he chose to become a heartbreaker-slash-casanova wannabe. It's only a matter of time before Nako-chan learns everything."


Now, this was serious. How did it come to this?

"He... didn't tell the real reason?"

"No, according to Nako-chan. Just like what I said, it's only a matter of time before the truth would be revealed. But..."

I frowned again. This girl liked giving suspense effect to everyone. "But...?"

"But... I ended up telling her at least a part of the truth."

"What? But why?"

Mayu, won't Setsuji kill us if he found out what you did? Honestly, I wanted to tell that to the girl I was talking to over the phone at the moment but I knew that there was a reason for all this.

"I'm sorry. But I think Nako-chan deserves to know this more than anyone. She couldn't believe it after I told her that. I said to her that if she doesn't want to believe it, she had to ask the other person who knew the whole story besides us."

It made me think of something when I heard that. The other person who knew the truth?

After a few moments, it hit me. "You mean Izumi Kiho?"

"She's the only one who could explain the whole truth to Nako-chan. She wanted the truth, I gave it to her. But it wasn't enough. She also needed to learn the truth from the others who knew the whole story."

Well, Mayu does have a point there.

The only question was: What could happen if the truth was revealed? I was sure that a lot of things could change. But were we supposed to have something change first before we do something about it?

What if we couldn't do anything to control the changes anymore?

This was just great! So many questions were filling my mind and yet I couldn't find answers for them.

"So what's the plan now that this had come up?" I asked Mayu soon after, though I hoped that she was still on the other line.

I heard her take a deep breath.

"We'll see..."

It was the answer that I last heard before I noticed my twin brother coming out of his room and going to the veranda. And by the look I saw on Setsuji's face, he looked... kind of lost to himself.

Now, this seriously spelled trouble.

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