
Chapter 26

Tyson watched as the others walked inside the mansion in order to get settled down at their temporary rest point. The location was nothing special to Tyson but when it came to Numen's Garden it was the closest thing he had to a home during his times there. Many memories were made with Loe and the Village of Lost Souls but it was still not something he was proud of. No matter how beautiful the place might have been there were still many things about it that did nothing but open old wounds for him. Wanting some time to himself he quietly parted from the others without a word. He trusted Loe with the other two because he knew they would be safe as long as they did not push him the wrong way.

Once he was out of view of the others he sat down by the edge of the river. He knew Chi could do with a rest before beginning to train so he was willing to give them a while to get settled in before he began to push the man. Just as the others were physically exhausted Tyson felt he could take a moment to allow himself to breathe for a moment out of the sight of others. They were deep under ground where others rarely found the location of so he was not worried about being seen by a foe.

Reaching his hand up he removed the demon mask from his face. Strands of hair falling forward from his bangs that naturally swept to the side. Sitting the mask to the side on the grass he could see ripples in the water as a enormous sixty foot serpent rushed in his direction. Without moving he simply watched with a calm demeanor as it stopped in front of him. Its massive head swinging out of the water causing water to fly in all directions.

Releasing a loud hissing like noise the serpent's mouth closed. Lowering its head to Tyson's level as it came in close to him. Hot breath exhaling in front of him that was foul while its tongue repeatedly flipped about in the air trying to sense the mans movements. Drops of water fell from its body as its face closed in on him.

Without hesitation Tyson stood up and took a step in its direction. Tapping the palm of his hand down against the head of the beast he could see its movements halt. Taking in the feel of the mans hand the serpents eyes slowly closed. He could not tell whether or not the beast was trying to purr or was trying to bellow at him but he could tell that it had calmed down at the feel of his touch.

"You don't like being here either, do you?" He asked it. As dangerous as the serpent was he was no different then anything else that was trapped in Numen's Garden just as he was. Tyson knew he wasn't a saint himself so he could not judge a beast for doing what it must to survive just as he had for the past ten years.

He knew the beast could not understand the words behind his question but there was no way he could find the courage to speak in such a manner to another person. Leaning his body against the head of the serpent his arm rubbed up and down it. Hearing the sounds of approaching foot steps he turned to see Chi standing there quietly watching from behind a tree. The man seemed to be nervous from being caught spying on him with the beast.

Tyson did not know whether or not to sigh or be proud of the man for his courage to even attempt to sneak up on him given their difference in abilities. His innocence however was something he felt was cute in a way. The man truly did feel like an innocent little rabbit in his eyes.

"Little rabbit, come here.." Leaning back from the beast he stretched out his hand in Chi's direction to motion for him to come closer.

"I'm-" Chi's face flushed red at the sight of Tyson calling him that without the mask to hide the beauty of his actual face saying it. It felt nearly impossible for him to revoke the idea of being called it.

That's not fair play.. Chi thought to himself stubbornly.

"If you're out here I take it you're able to begin right away?" Tyson teased the man as he watched him approach him.

"Of course." Chi said even though he actually was tired because he did not want the others to feel like he was a bigger burden. They already considered him someone they had to protect all the time so he did not want to make it worse.

"Alright. Let's go." Tyson could tell the man was lying but if he was willing to push through it he would allow it as long as he did not go too far. If one did not push at their limits at least a bit they would never be able to break past them.

"What are you doing?" Chi asked as he tried to cover his eyes. The sight of Tyson removing the upper part of his clothing was a lot for him to handle.

"Preparing for us to go." Tyson laughed at the man's reaction. "We're both men. I don't want to get sick from wet clothing just because the little rabbit is a shy one."

"Wet? Where are we going?" Chi felt confused until he saw Tyson climbing on top of the serpent. That beautiful face gazing down at him with an out stretched hand to help guide him up. Doing just as Tyson had done to remove his own upper clothing he took hold of his hand and climbed on top of the serpent.

Tapping his hand gently against the side of the beast it began to lower itself back into the river. He could feel Chi's body warmth against his chest as he helped hold the man against the serpent so that he would not fall off as they moved through the river up stream. Many other serpents swam right past them but none of them offered so much as a second glance in their direction. He could feel Chi's body shaking slightly as he struggled to hold his breath so he tapped against the serpent to single for a quick rise to for air. Water flying everywhere around them as their bodies on the serpent rushed through the river like they were a jet ski causing Chi to squint from the water that would splash against his face.

Tap. Tap.

Chi looked to the side at the feel of Tyson's tapping finger. His hand moving away from Chi to point at the waterfall up ahead so that he would not miss the view of where they were heading that Tyson knew he would enjoy given his personality. The waterfall stood a few hundred feet tall and gave off the loud sound of rushing water. Air around them smelt of salt, fish, and plant life. It was strangely intoxicating but Chi had always loved the out door things though he had never been able to take in much of it because his family lived within a large city and he couldn't afford taking trips outside of it on his own. It almost felt ironic.

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