
Bittersweet Trails

From a humanoid form to complete monstrosity, the Unending Nightmare turned into a ball of flesh with limbs and blood orbiting its spherical form as multiple grinning, frowning, and laughing mouths appeared on its floating, ball shape.

Eyes sprouted along its shape, blinking and ever-watching as it boasted a daunting size, emitting a gravitational force that crushed anything directly near it.

"Don't get close to it!" Roan shouted to the rest of the group.

Sumera held her staff forward, "That's perfectly fine with me! Blazing Sphere!"

A massive fireball was launched towards the miniature moon of flesh that the Unending Nightmare became, nearly reaching it before the flame fizzled out the closer it got.

"What?!" Sumera reacted.

Roan attempted an attack of his own, snapping his fingers as he sent a powerful bolt of lightning towards the ball of meat, though it only curved around the invisible aura around its spherical shape, not reaching it.

"..Hm," Roan was puzzled.

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