
Test And Special Reward

Yuki's and Hinata's days were filled with nothing but training. They progressed by leaps and bounds and were now currently in the training grounds within the village. A place that only genin were allowed to use, but Jiraiya had brought them here to test their abilities. Both Hinata and Yuki were sitting on the ground, looking up at Jiraiya, who was passing back and forth. There was also another person here standing off to the side, this person was Kakashi.

"Yuki, Hinata, you both worked hard over the past year. I will be leaving to settle some things and might be gone for quite a while. Kakashi will be checking in on you every now and then to make sure everything is okay, but he will not be babysitting you. Yuki, you will be the head of the house." Jiraiya gave her a knowing look. They had decided not to tell Hinata her true age. This was to keep her secrets only between those in the know.

"One thing I do have to warn you about is that there are a few people in the background that are keeping tabs on you two. It is best if you always stay on guard. Yuki, as you are currently able to fight on par with a jonin, I want you to protect Hinata." Jiraiya couldn't actually believe he was saying this to a girl who was only five years old. She was so strong, and the merger of her three kinds of powers was coming along nicely. Her sword technique was also quite strange as well. She had mixed her training as a shinigami in with her taijutsu and ninjutsu. Her hidden weapons were powered by her psychokinesis, making them almost unstoppable. She even picked up explosive tags and was able to use them as pure weapons without much effort. She could easily send out hundreds of them with a wave of her hand and surround her target.

As for Hinata, it was said that the Hyuga members could not use their byakugan all the time, but now the little girl could keep it on as long as she wanted without issue. She just had to push her limits. On top of that, her eyes had begun to show a slight change to them, almost as if her eyes were beginning to evolve into something else. While this change was very minuscule, and one would need to look closely to see it, it was there. But what was more was her ability to control her chakra and even form her own style of taijutsu using a combination of everything she was learning. Jiraiya was impressed and happy at the same time. He was able to get two disciples. If the two passed today, he would surprise them with one more gift and a defensive mechanism to use in case of emergencies.

"Okay, today we will hold a test to see just how good your skills are. Kakashi here will be the one giving the test. And let me say that if you pass, I will reward you with something special." Jiraiya looked over at Kakashi, who was reading a book. Kakashi sighed and stood up, still not putting his book away. He actually had no idea how good these two were. Jiraiya only told him to help with this test and to introduce himself officially.

"Ah… Well… It's simple. You two will have to get the bells on my side here. If you can get them, then you pass. Good luck…." Kakashi showed no energy whatsoever in this test that Jiraiya was hosting.

Yuki pursed her lips and looked at Jiraiya, who just shrugged. It seemed Kakashi had missed the warning he spoke of while talking with the girls. He was too engrossed in his book. Seeing Jiraiya shrug, Yuki sighed and stood up, and turned to Hinata. "Hinata, do you want to go first, or do you want me to?"

"No, you can go. I will do some stretches." Hinata answered. Her entire aura was no longer that of a shy young girl. She was now much more confident and had an air about her that made it hard to ignore her.

"Then I will go first. I will make sure to leave you a bell." Yuki said teasingly.

"Have fun!" Hinata said with a smile. Before going to work on her stretches.

Kakashi, who had been watching their interaction, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. But he still did not take the two girls seriously. While he knew Yuki had a twenty tail in her, he did not know how powerful she truly was. "Are you ready?"

"Mmm…" Yuki nodded.

"You can begin at any time." Kakashi said with a yawn which caused Yuki to frown a bit. She looked at the book in his hand and a small sneaky smile formed on her lips.

"Then here I come." Yuki took what looked like a slow step forward before disappearing, but not even a second later, she returned back to the same spot she started in. As for Kakashi, he froze. He had no idea what had just happened. He looked down at his empty hand and then back up at the smiling little girl in front of him, who had a bell in one hand and his book in the other, in utter shock.

"You! This!? Jiraiya, what did you feed this kid!?" He was truly confused as to what happened.

"Kakashi, you were trained to never look down on your opponents. Just because they are both kids does not mean they do not have any power. In fact, it could be said they are both monsters. Maybe the word monster is putting it lightly. At any rate, they are both freaks."

Advanced Chapters can be found on Pat-reon!

Yuki In The Land of Fire + 14 advance chapters and more to come!

The Bored Hero + 2 advance chapters and more to come!

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