
An Old Pervert

Yuki looked up to see the whiskers boy glaring at her while shivering. But even though he was cold, he still had his arms spread out, trying to protect the children behind him. It was only then that Yuki realized that to these young kids, her current state would be seen as monstrous in the eyes of these children. Yuki forced a smile and slowly stepped back. She missed the look of guilt in the young boy's eyes as he saw her smile.

"That's enough, Naruto!" A gruff voice came from the other side of the only door in the room. Seconds later, it was pushed open to reveal a man with spiky white hair, wooden sandals, and a ninja outfit. Yuki also noticed a large cylinder shaped object attached to his back.

"Ahh! Ero-sennin! Why are you here, old pervert!?" The boy named Naruto yelled out while quickly going on guard.

Yuki, on the other hand, was trying to make sense of the situation. She could tell that even though the young boy had called him an old pervert and went on guard, the other kids did not react at all to this and only looked at the weirdly dressed man as if he was their saving grace. She got a sense that it was only Naruto that called him this.

"Naruto, I told you many times now not to call me that!" The white haired man yelled before ignoring the young boy and walking over to Yuki. When he stood in front of her, the height difference was like a night in day. He looked down at the snow spreading out from under her feet and sighed. "You must be Yuki. My name is Jiraiya."

Hearing the man call her by her name caused Yuki to be surprised. Her eyes immediately lit up as she looked up at this man named Jiraiya with hopeful eyes. "You know my nee-san!?"

"Nee-san? I am not sure about any sister of yours. As far as I know, you are an only child. Your parents were killed during the time when Kyuubi attacked." Jiraiya felt that maybe the little girl's power was messing with her mind. He clasped his hands together and began making a few hand signs before reaching out with chakra covered fingertips. He then lifted her shirt to uncover her stomach and jabbed them into it. "Gogyou Fuuin!"

Yuki cried out in pain as a searing sensation could be felt in her stomach as if the man's fingers had pierced her skin. Yuki did not notice, but at the same time, as Jiraiya's fingers hit her stomach, a black pattern began to form.

Jiraiya looked at the young girl clenching her teeth, causing him to feel a bit bad for doing this, but he had no choice. "This will keep your chakra under control for the time being. The pain should disappear soon."

Just as Jiraiya said, the pain slowly subsided, and on top of that, the snow around Yuki's feet began to melt rapidly. She could once again feel warmth returning to her body. Yuki knew when to give gratitude when gratitude was due. Although the strange man did not ask her if it was okay to pull up her shirt and do some weird thing to her, she still looked up at him and smiled before bowing her head. "Thank you."

Jiraiya scratched his nose and waved his hand offhandedly. "I was just making sure you did not bring harm to those around you. This seal will work fine if you wish to be a normal person with no power. But I can say for sure that you will never reach even genin. If you want to grow strong and become a shinobi, you can follow me. I will teach you how to control your powers. Only then will you be able to grow stronger."

Jiraiya had no intentions of taking in a student. It would interrupt his quest in life. But after seeing the little girl's eyes after he forced a seal on her, he couldn't help his heart growing a bit soft, which is why he offered to help her control her power. If she truly was able to grow stronger, she would also become a good asset to Konoha in the future. He figured she would be a much better student than a certain fox boy who kept calling him a pervert at every turn.

To be honest, Jiraiya had no idea how he ran into the brat so soon. He had only stopped into Konoha to report on an issue, and on his way out, he just so happened to have accidentally stopped off at a bathhouse and just so happened to find a hole that allowed you to look inside, and he just so happened to make sure that there was nothing fishy going on inside when the brat in question showed up behind him and ratted him out. As such, Jiraiya had a bit of a grudge against the brat. He was hit by so many women that day!

Yuki stared at Jiraiya and saw that his expression was serious, that he was not just messing with her. She lowered her eyes and pondered for a second as she tried to gather her thoughts. 'As of now, I am in a strange body in a place I do not know. If I wish to get out of here and find nee-san then I will need to grow stronger. If this man is really willing to help me grow stronger, then I can follow him. But if he truly is a pervert….'

Yuki shuttered at that thought. She raised her head to look at the strange man and, through gritted teeth, said: "As long as you are not a pervert. I am willing to be trained." She just hoped that she was not making a mistake trusting this man.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, almost coughed up blood. He really wondered why everyone kept calling him a pervert! "Ahem…. Do not worry. I have no interest in little girls."

"Don't listen to him. I watched him at… muopph!" Naruto, who was about to make another rude comment, found a mute talisman slapped to his face. He looked over at Jiraiya, whose arm was still extended out with anger in his eyes. He wanted to run forward and kick the perverted man but soon found his whole body could not move, causing him to tear up.

Yuki looked at the interaction between the two with a confused expression. She was starting to wonder if her decision just now was a huge mistake.

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