
chapter 8

Terrans pov

The republics failure to keep a hold onto Christophsis has helped the terrans secure the planet as all forms of resistance slowly went away as supplies to fight back was draining. Because of this a mass surrender of clones had happened and those that still fought on was meet with a quick end.

The first siege on the republic was accomplished and many more was to come as the Terran republic was just getting started.

On the surface of the planet patrols around the city would become a necessity take sure that order was kept on the planet.

Although the people of the planet didn't like them, they didn't complain as the occupation of their planet was not harsh like the separatist when they tried to take the planet. The only real thing that the Terrans wanted was to build military base on the planet which they was already in the process of making to allow for them to quickly form up their military in the galaxy.

Above the planet in space a new batch of ships were sent to defend the planet as the Infinity and it's fleet would travel back too Terra for supplies and repairs. Another reason they were about to go there was because of some of the Intel they contained from the planet about the republic.

It wasn't much since half of the data was deleted before they got to it, but it would still be useful for them in the war.

Captain lasky can be seen looking over the data as his fleet prepares to leave.

"Not much like I wanted it to be, but at least it's something." Lasky says to himself.

While he was looking at it a word catches his eye. Kamino. The birth place of the clones. It didn't say the location of the planet, but what the republic used the planet for was written down.

"Interesting. Very interesting." Lasky says.

"Too bad we don't know the location of it. But then again it won't be long before we figure out where it is." He says thinking of the major outcome for them if they were to destroy this facility.

And he was right because the planet of kamino was close by and it would only be a matter of time before they found out where it was and if everything was to go smoothly during the war they would no doubt attack it if given the chance.

"Sir all ships are ready for slipspace and is waiting for your orders." The A.I tells lasky breaking him from his thoughts.

"Good. Tell all ships to enter slipspace now." He says putting his hands behind his back as they leave the system.

Jedi council

Word that Christophsis was lost was heard everywhere as the planet was a major contributor to war for them. Another attempt would be made to free the planet from the Terrans hold, but that would come later as the losses for them in just that system was too much for another assault.

Right now all the Jedi masters along with Anakin were discussing the threat of this faction as they have started to be seen as a bigger enemy than the separatist.

"We don't have much details about their ground forces, but their navy is the main reason they've been such a hassle to contain." Obi-wan explains not them.

"I would like to add on to this that they had a weapon so strong that it went through some of my ships destroying them in one hit." Anakin says remembering the attack that happened to his fleet.

"I'm guessing it was something like the main gun on the front of their ships?" Mace windu questions.

"Yes it was something like it, but what baffles me is that we think it was cloaked because we didn't even see it until it fired." Obi-wan says.

"Almost like one of the cloaked ships we had to send supply to the refuges." Anakin says.

"This is indeed very troubling. If they have weapons like this. It will become almost impossible to land on a planet they occupy." Plo koon says.

"What we did find useful though is that some of their ships is defenseless up close to our weapons. We could've landed troops on the surface if it wasn't for their giant flagship." Anakin explains.

"That one ship alone has caused a lot of trouble for us. Without much knowledge on the ship and it's weakness it would just be suicide to even come close to it." Obi-wan says.

"It seems Intel will play a major role in this war against the Terrans in order for us to push them back." Mace windu says.

"But without knowledge about the rest of their people they will only be a mystery to us." Obi-wan says.

As they finish the topic about the terrans. They then turn there attention to the separatist. They have been quiet. Too quiet as major battles or assaults from them have not happened for a while and since they were fighting two wars it would only be logical for them to attack them when distracted by another enemy.

But for some reason they hadn't done anything yet. It was strange, but they wasn't complaining so not much arguments about it was brought up.

Dooku's Palace

Dooku can be seen walking down a big hall before kneeling down as the room became dark when he made it towards his desk.

While not looking up a hologram of a hooded figure appears in front of him looking at him.

"What is thy bidding my master." Dooku says to the figure.

The hooded figure looks at him for a few seconds with a frown before speaking.

"This new faction...the Terran republic will become a problem if they are allowed to gain control over the galaxy." Palpatine says.

"They must not be allowed to ruin my plans." He says.

"They have already taken over Christophsis without much trouble and will have their eyes on other systems." He says.

"Have the people of the separatist see not only the republic as their enemies, but also the Terrans. A two front war between them will hinder their movement." He explains.

"As you wish my lord." Dooku says as the hologram shuts off.

Dooku gets up and walk to the hologram before pressing a few buttons as a tall robotic figure pops up.

"I have a new mission for you and failure will not be tolerated...

General grievous."

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