Age 749, April 1.
At the lookout.
"My child. I think this is the time for you to go to the earth and learn about the world." kami said while looking at white. White was shocked when kami said that to him.
"So what do I have to do," he asked kami.
To him, kami was his Saviour and the one that raised him alongside Mr popo. So he thought of kami's word as some sort of a commend.
"I am asking you to attend school "
Kami said which shocked white.
"School?" what is that. He said as he looked at Mr popo hoping that he might know the answer.
Unfortunately for him, Mr popo was from another world and had never been to school himself so he just looked back at white in confusion.
"School is a place where you go to learn" kami explained to him.
"Why do I need to learn from the thing called school? I mean if I want to know anything I can just ask you can't I old man." White replied.
"No. Although I can tell you everything that you want to know. Even then you still need to experience the world yourself. I mean look at yourself. You are already 11 and you don't even know what a girl looks like" kami said as he looked at white with a disappointed look.
"I am ten. The time I was in the chamber didn't count." white said not wanting to admit that he still didn't know anything about the outside world.
Kami wanted to keep white at the tower for eternity if he could but he knows that he might not be able to find happiness if he stays at the tower for years just to take on the title of the Guardian of the earth after he gives up the position. If white was any other person he would not mind taking advantage of him and using him as a stand-in for a job that he didn't enjoy anymore. But he saw himself in the boy so he was not able to bring himself to take advantage of the boy. Especially since he was grown up in his arms.
White was feeling conflicted inside his kind he thought that the lookout was everything he needed in his life but he knows that kami and Mr popo might not be with him for long and was also excited to go out and see the world. He wondered that is there anyone stronger than kami on the earth.
Unbeknown to him at that point in time he was already the strongest being on earth not named kami.