
Chapter 642 Next Stop

After their short vacation, Aldred and his team returned to a hotel room that they rented. The owner of the hotel insisted numerous times that they do not have to pay, and even gave them all the MVP room available.

"Are you sure, we don't have to pay for this? Your business needs money now of all times."

"No need. No need. Your presence in my hotel is already enough payment. Now I can brag that my hotel has served one of the hero that saved this planet. So please be assured that everything you want and need will be taken care of."

Aldred nodded. "Thank you for your hospitality."

The owner's eyes lit up and tapped the back of of his own hand twice, a gesture that meant appreciation in the local culture.

Aldred and the owner chatted a bit before the owner left. 

"He's such a nice guy," Salamander said. "Rooms like these could cost someone's yearly salary."

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