
Chapter 425 Sky Battle

The next morning, Aldred and the others gathered in the dining hall.

"I found this letter yesterday," Aldred said. "I don't know where it come from. I tried to look for the person who slip it under the door, but I found nothing."

"Do you think this information is correct?" Ivette asked.

"I don't know. Krista, can you sense where Avre is?"

Krista was sitting on Mira's lap while Pongo was sitting on her lap.

"Krista can tell where she is."

"Really?" Aldred asked with excitement.

"Un." Krista nodded.

"In that case, we should look for her. It would be terrible if she was really kidnapped," Mary said.

Aldred stood up. "We should go now. There is no time to waste. Every second we delay, is another second that her life is at risk."

They left the inn immediately and rode atop the dragons.

"Where is she, Krista?" Aldred asked.

"That way." Krista pointed towards the south.

Aldred looked at that particular direction and then his eyes turned gold.

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