
Chapter 217 Negotiation

A bugbear was sitting in his office with a quill in his hand and a paper on the table.

He was the Tarrar's diplomat, and his task was to convince the town leader nearby to attack and create chaos.

His job required a sophisticated skill and creativity. Not just any bugbear can do his job, and that was why Tarrar trusted him so much.

First, he spends a few minutes meditating, and contemplating on the way of life.

That was a necessary step. After that, he pressed the quill on the paper. Each word must be meaningful, because the art of convincing is very delicate.

"You little piece of shit, pussy motherfucker. I heard you're scared of ghost stories and trembled in bed like a little girl. If you are really brave, bring your army to the west and attack the city. Bring me the head of some winged-men leaders, you little scared cat."

The diplomat cleared his throat and put the paper to the side. Then he wrote on another paper.

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