
51 – Final hope

TW// Violence, death

ANTEVORTA: The clock is ticking!

Akane looks at her. She remembers Eir talking to her.

EIR: You need to give it your power, you need to heal it.

AKANE: I don't know how to do that.

Then sudennly she remembers.

AKANE: Yes... If I need to heal the Uglax... I need to heal her.

She stands up.

ANTEVORTA: Oh, we're still standing?

Akane opens her glowing eyes, around her hands there's purple light.

ANTEVORTA: I saw all the futures. You can't kill me.

AKANE: I don't need to kill you.

Akane grabs her by her neck.

AKANE: I need to heal you.


The purple light is going in her.

SEI: Something is happening...

They see Akanes magic going inside the Uglax.

ANTEVORTA: Do you really think this will do anything? You're only giving me power.

AKANE: All things have limits. You do as well.

More Akane's magic goes into her.

ANTEVORTA: Wait... What is happening?! No it can't be.

Her body is shaking. The power wants to break free from her body. Akane smirks.

AKANE: I win.

Antevorta explodes.

Everyone is looking at Akane's magic getting inside the Uglax. She releases it and drops down. The Uglax is about to explode and Akane is unconscious.

SEI: No, it's going to explode!

He runs to Akane, grabing her and pushing her behind a big rock. The Uglax explodes.

It destroies nearby things, but not much. When everything settles down the Uglax is no more.

SEI: Akane?

He looks at her. Her whole arm is burnt and she isn't responding.

SEI: AKANE!? No please... This can't be it... This can't be the future... Not again. Please.

He's hugging her.

SEI: Please...

He's crying. While this is happening his eyes are glowing. As one tear falls on her chest she starts breathing.

SEI: Akane?

She's breathing. She opens her eyes.

SEI: Akane!

She hugs him with her left arm.

AKANE: Thank you for trusting me.

Sei smiles in tears and kisses her.

AKANE: There's still one thing I need to do.

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