
41 – Touch of death

SEI: Akane... Akane! Akane plese don't. Wake up... You're stronger than this. P-please...

MIRA: Sei...

Sei looks at her.

SEI: She can't be dead... S-she-

MIRA: Sei...

Shiro and Ai come in the room. She takes Akane's hand.

MIRA: Wait.

She can still feels Akanes heartbeat.

MIRA: Her heart is still beating.

SEI: W-we need to do something.

MIRA: I'm not a doctor Sei. I don't-... We can't help, but her people can.

SEI: Her sister killed her! She betrayed her country.

SHIRO: No, she has someone who she trusts...

MIRA: Their goddess... We need to take her to her.

AI: How the hell are you going to get there?

MIRA: The same way she got here.

AI: And how are you going to find her ship?

SHIRO: When she came here she had something like a radar. I'll go get it.

MIRA: I'll take her there.

SEI: No you can't it's too dangerous.

MIRA: Someone has to take her.

SEI: I'll do it.

MIRA: No you're injured. And no offense, but you're not mentally in the right place for it. I'll take her.

SEI: Just please be careful, I don't want to lose another friend.

Mira takes Akane to her spaceship.

MIRA: Okay how the hell do you fly this thing.

She types something, pushes some buttons and it starts. It takes them to Vulmone.

Sei is sitting down, still shooked from everything. Shiro helps him with the wound.

SHIRO: Don't worry Sei, they're going to be okay. You should rest, a lot has happened today.

Sei nods and he goes. Shiro looks at Ai.

SHIRO: I want to help him, but I don't know how.

AI: It's okay Shiro. You've done what you could.

Shiro looks at them and hugs them.

Mira looks out of the spaceship.

MIRA: So it's a avtopilot.

AKANE: Y-yes.

She turns around.

MIRA: Akane! No, no sit down!

She sit her down.

AKANE: I-I need to g-get to Eir.

MIRA: We're going there. We'll be there soon.

AKANE: I n-need Eir to...

MIRA: Need her to do what?

Akane passes out.

MIRA: Akane!

She looks outside and sees Vulmone.

MIRA: Hang in there Akane, we're here.

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