
31 – Don’t ever blame yourself

TW// Mention of murder, abuse

David is sitting on the hill near his parents graveyard. Taggi comes to him and sits beside him. They sit there in silence for couple of minutes.

TAGGI: Do you want to talk about it?

David stays silent.

TAGGI: I understand if you don't want to, but it will be easier if you -

DAVID: I'm sorry...


DAVID: I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday.

TAGGI: Don't worry, it's okay.

DAVID: No it's not. I yelled at you and you were scared. I murdered my parents and I could hurt you.

TAGGI: You could never hurt me David.

David looks at him.

DAVID: Taggi...

Taggi looks away and smiles. David sighs.

DAVID: I was 14 when it happened.

Taggi looks at him.

DAVID: My parents never cared for what I liked and what I was good at. They always wanted me to be someone else. I loved programing, but they said that it isn't good enough, that I would never be someone great. Everytime I would find a new dream to follow, they'd crush it. One day I was in my room programing something that I was really proud of so I showed them and they got mad at me. I got angry so I went outside in a town and got really drunk. It was so stupid of me. I didn't know what I was thinking. When I got home all my computers were destroyed – they've destroyed everything I ever cared about... Than everything happened so fast. Before I realised it they were dead. I was standing there with a knife in my hand and blood all over me. Then I ran... I ran as fast I could. I was alone for about a year and then I came here.

TAGGI: So they never found out it was you?

David noded.

DAVID: I didn't want it to be like this.

TAGGI: I'm sure they know.

DAVID: Taggi... I-I can't stay here.

TAGGI: What do you mean? Of course you can stay.

DAVID: No I can't. If anyone found out... I don't want anything happen to you.

TAGGI: If they wanted to find out who it was they would.

He grabs his shoulders.

TAGGI: I don't want you to go. I don't want you to be alone!

DAVID: Taggi...

TAGGI: And I don't want to be alone either. I need you too.

David hugs him tight. Taggi hugs him back. David strats crying.

DAVID: Thank you Taggi.

TAGGI: Thank you too.

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