
20 – Goddess Eir

TW// Blood, violance

Adira is walking up the mountain to the tample. The woman is sitting by the lake facing away from her.

WOMAN: Adira!

ADIRA: How did you know it was me?

The woman moves the waters surface.

WOMAN: The water knows.

ADIRA: Aha...

She turns around.

WOMAN: What do you want?

ADIRA: Did the water told you that I want something?

WOMEN: No. You always come here when you need something. Afterall I am your goddess Eir. When you and Akane were little you were always her, but than that... accident happened. You never came to visit, you come just when you need something from me. So what do you want?

ADIRA: What is happening to Akane?

EIR: What makes you think I know the anwser?

ADIRA: The water?

EIR: I can't see her.

ADIRA: You're lying.

She faced her, her eyes glowing with anger.

EIR: You dare doubt me?

Adira took a step back.

ADIRA: N-no...

EIR: She's too far... Do you need anything else?

ADIRA: Yes. A little something for my mission.

Eir looks at her. Adira said something to her. Than Eir goes to one of the waterfalls takes a bottle and gives it to her. Adira goes and Eir is looking after her.

EIR: I never liked you, but Akane... she was diffrent.

She turns back to the water and moves it. It shows Akane.

EIR: Be careful Akane. Your homeland is not what you think it is.

The gang is gathered in the training room. Mira is sitting on the floor, her head resting on her hand, spinning a knife in her hand.

MIRA: I still don't understand why are we doing this.

Shiro was doing a handstand beside her.

SHIRO: Because it's fun.

Mira throws a knife in a target, not even looking at it.

MIRA: Yeah real fun.

SHIRO: Wow Mira you hit right at the middle of the target!

MIRA: Huh?!

SHIRO: And you didn't even try?

DAVID: Hey Mira, Akane you're next for the match!

MIRA: What me?! I don't want to.

DAVID: Akane said she wants to.

MIRA: W-what? Really?

Akane nods. Mira just stares for a second. She sighs in defeat and stands up.

MIRA: Fine.

They stand facing each other.

DAVID: Okay start!

Akane launges at her, but Mira blocks it. They start fighting. In the begining it's even, but then Akane manages to push her on the ground.

AKANE: I know you can do better. I saw you in the Training Holodeck.

Mira gets angry and launges at her. They fight on.

TAGGI: What the-?

AI: Since when does Mira know how to fight like that?

Suddenly Mira takes a knife hidden behind her shoe and scratches Akanes face. She snaps back, drops the knife and starts shaking. She approches Akane, her expression worried.

MIRA: S-shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to-

Akane stops her.

AKANE: Who are you really?

Next chapter