
Vol.6 Ch.138- The Summons.

I'll see you guys next Monday, the 30th 6-9 AM PST.


Sylvia Talgan's POV

"Padraic, what's gotten into you?" Kaladin asked the Dwarf after Padraic bumped into him.

Padraic didn't say anything for a moment. Then he suddenly shook his head from side to side like he was trying to expel water from his ears. The far-off look in his eyes disappeared, and he pointed toward Lin and Jen.

"Who are they?"

Kaladin followed his friend's finger and then nodded. "That's Linnetia and Jen. I mentioned them a few times to you. We are in the same class at the university."

Padraic's eyes never left the two. "I getcha. Introduce me."

Kaladin blinked once in disbelief. "Introduce you? What's going on with you, Padraic? Are you well? You are acting unusual."

"Never been better," the Dwarf snapped back.

I sighed internally and just shook my head. I swore if Padraic stared any harder, his eyes would fall out of his skull. I could even see the start of red veins starting to bulge because the man hadn't blinked in so long.

Is this what they call love at first sight? Or am I just looking too deep…maybe he's just stupid. Too much forge smoke clogging his brain, perhaps?

Thankfully there wasn't a need to go to them as Mila had crawled into Jen's lap and was receiving pats with a satisfied smile. It was a good thing that Lin was here because I needed to speak to her privately. It seemed fate had finally looked my way.

"Good afternoon, Kaladin," Jen said softly, her voice still a bit hoarse.

"Are you feeling better today?" he asked.

Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do for Jen anymore. Her body just needed time to recover to its former state.

"I'm feeling good enough to come outside for a while. I heard about your family returning, so I hadn't expected to see—" Jen stopped talking mid-sentence as her tired, hazel eyes fell on me.

Sigh…this is going to be the norm for a long time, isn't it? Well, I guess it's to be expected.

"Jen, it's good to see you up and moving," I told her.

Jen looked confused as she craned her neck up to Lin. Lin didn't even bother moving her head. Only her eyes looked down at the half-Dwarf. "Don't stare at me like that. I had no idea how she looked under the mask either," she said.

"We can all talk about it later. How about that?" I said, trying to move the conversation forward.

Jen just nodded to herself and seemed more conflicted than anything. It looked like she was on the verge of screaming or breaking down into tears. In which order, I wasn't sure, but I could hardly blame her. On the other hand, at least she wasn't tossing insults my way, a step in the right direction, if I say so myself.

There were a few grumbles and grunts of frustration from beside me as Kaladin pushed Padraic forward with a wicked smile. "Everyone, this is my long-time friend, Padraic. He's like a brother to me, so I hope you will get along."

Padraic swiftly knelt down in front of Jen and gently grabbed her hand. "It's an honor to meet such a gorgeous woman. Anybody Mila is fond of must be an extraordinarily kind and caring individual."

What the crap? Talk about forward—wait…no way…

Jen blushed furiously and even let out a small giggle as she looked away meekly. "Hello…Padraic…" she muttered, her face full of embarrassment.

I mean…I know anybody who would ignore Jen's oddities with being a half-Dwarf would be more likely to gain her trust and feelings, but…come on, Jen…try a bit harder…

Padraic smiled brightly and stood up tall, well, as tall as he could. He even bothered to flex his arms a little as veins pulsed on the surface of his tanned skin. Was he really enhancing himself with mana?

"And you must be the beautiful fabled Linnetia Paine. I've heard much about you from your brother—"

Lin let out one big yawn interrupting him and shook Padraic's hand with a look of complete indifference. "Probably heard too much about me. Anyway, nice to meet you, Padraic," she said dryly.

Well, one for two. Not bad, Padraic, not bad at all.

Although Padraic had a look of defeat a moment ago, he quickly rebounded and launched into conversation with the two. I had to give him credit for that. Kaladin used to mention that Padraic had certain…social abilities, so perhaps it was those skills at work.

I realized Kaladin had walked away, and he was crouched in front of Dallin. Kaladlin's parents were talking to Varnir and Tsarra, but I wasn't paying attention to them. The adorable little boy looked a bit shy and seemed somewhat afraid of Kaladin, but he didn't try running away. He averted his golden eyes and stared at the ground.

It tugged on my heart to see Kaladin's own brother be afraid of him. But it felt even worse when I realized it was because of me. Kaladin had blasted his bloodlust at his family in relation to my reveal. At the time, I felt so relieved and was overwhelmed with my joy that he defended me from his own family. If Kaladin had turned on me because of his family, I don't even know what I would have done…

Kaladin pointed toward a familiar store with his head. I hadn't even realized we had arrived at the Silver Wolverine. Dallin nodded somewhat reluctantly, but he followed behind Kaladin nonetheless.

While those two—


"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," a voice said quietly from behind me.

"Lin?! You can't just sneak up on me like that!" I cried.

How did she manage to sneak up on…ah…well, I think I have a good idea.

Lin just shrugged her shoulders and looked over to Kaladin. "He seems different. Did something happen over the last few days?"

"You could say that," I said with a shrug. I steadied my racing heart and looked Lin dead in her hazel eyes. "Can we talk? Privately?"

Lin looked around. "Is now really the time? I'm a bit busy watching over Jen. I'm here on official Paine client business, you know?"

"It won't take but a moment. Besides, I think Kaladin's family is more than capable of watching over her for a few minutes," I said.

Lin sighed and rubbed her eyes while walking off. "I guess so."

We walked away from the crowd and found ourselves quite spot in between two buildings. We were still in sight of everyone, but we were far enough away that they wouldn't overhear us.

"I'll just be blunt with you, Lin," I said as soon as we stopped. "Do you have romantic feelings for Kaladin?"

Lin turned on her heel and looked at me in surprise. "Where did you even get that—"

Her eyes went wide for a moment then her gaze turned cold. I felt a chill run down my spine as she looked at me with hollow eyes. I wasn't sure if it was her bloodlust or her gaze that made me sweat, but I dropped into a defensive position out of pure instinct. I felt as if I was going to be attacked.

This is…this is just like that time in the dungeon…when Kaladin lost control of his emotions and yelled at me…but this is…so sudden. This all but confirms it.

The immense pressure she exerted disappeared as she narrowed her eyes at me. Lin crossed her arms and sighed. "So, he told you? He must really trust you, especially after he just got through telling me a few days ago that he had no plans of telling anybody."

"He did. He told me everything. Although he didn't tell me about you specifically…he let it slip that day that you two knew each other. So…if Kaladin is from Syn'nari and you are from Luminar, then there is no way you two could share a past…unless this isn't your first life, just like his."

Lin sighed as she leaned up against the gray stone wall of the building. "Leave it to him to let confidential information leak in a social situation. You could have tortured him for months, and he wouldn't have cracked, but a pretty face from the person he cares about it is all it took…"

The p—p—person he cares about?!

I felt my face flush, and my ears burned. Lin rolled her eyes and pointed a slim accusatory finger at me. "You know not every woman who talks to Kaladin has feelings for him, right?"

"I know that!" I said a bit louder than I had wanted.

"Then just know that I don't love him. Back then, I was incapable of loving anything, and so was he. My feelings for the commander are more like…admiration than anything. I admire the man immensely. He taught me many things. Some things directly and others indirectly. If anything, we have a…bond…of sorts. A bond that managed to transcend even death itself," she said with a fond smile.

Incapable of love… is that why he's struggling so much?

"I won't even bother trying to understand what you two were like back then, not right now, at least. But surely you can see how admiration can easily turn to love," I said.

Lin shrugged again and uncrossed her arms. "I'm not worried about it. I don't think I could ever love him."

"What? Are you saying he is unlovable?!" I snapped back.

I covered my mouth in embarrassment at my sudden outburst, and Lin just looked at me with annoyance. "I never said that…" she groaned. "It's just. There are a few reasons. One, I know how he is and because I've seen that, I don't think I could ever truly fall in love with him. Two, I want to be somebody who he can trust and turn to in his time of need. I want to be his comrade. No, I believe that I want to be his friend. Something that wasn't truly possible in our previous lives. I honestly don't think he ever truly trusted me. Maybe it was because of his programming, but…I was just never able to take that final step. Either way…"

Then Lin turned her eyes to me. They were serious, but they lacked that intense cold glare from earlier. "And third, and far more important, his heart has already been occupied. Even if he doesn't realize it, Sylvia, I can not and will not be the one to wiggle my way into it. It would be wrong of me and go against everything I want. It would betray his trust, something I'd never want. in a million years."

"Are you saying—"

Lin shrugged again and started walking back toward the group. "Take it any way you want, little miss ancient Vampire. I just hope your intentions are as pure as I think they are. Because…" Lin turned her head just slightly back at me. Her eyes pierced my soul as I felt her bloodlust target me.

"Because if you ever hurt, use, or betray him as they did. I'll show you a fate far worse than death myself."

"I'd never even dream of it," I said resolutely.

Lin nodded in approval. "Good. Then we shouldn't have any problems." Lin kept walking again and raised a hand up. "I look forward to the future, Sylvia. Take good care of him, alright?"

Yeah… I will…

I watched as Lin took a sudden turn. She didn't immediately go back to Jen and instead stopped at the Beastmen, who had remained silent. She was brooding in the back ever since her loss to Kaladin. And I didn't miss the hateful glares she sent my way.

The damn vixen. I'll rip her fuc—no…no Sylvia…calm down…just relax.

I let a deep sigh escape me and bit my lip hard. I couldn't afford to cause a scene here, and I could hardly hurt that Beastmen. If I were to give into anger and her provocations and attack her, Kaladin and his family would undoubtedly think poorly of me.

And I can't have that.

There was no doubt that the woman harbored deep feelings for Kalaladin. She was rather obvious in her attempts, but thankfully, it seemed she wasn't able to woo him all that much. But I can't fully admit that, as it appeared to me Kaladin was on the fence about it.

He clearly cared about her. The real question was just how much he cared about her. Was it enough to return her feelings? Was it that of family, like a sister? Or maybe even a close friend? I don't know, and I don't think he knows either.

I gritted my teeth as I watched Lin use her hands to talk to Cerila. It made sense. Kaladin had told me that language was from his old life and used it to teach her how to communicate with people. But some of my anger melted away when I saw her smile…

Being deaf must be hard…she must have been alone for a long time before Kaladin came along…and even now, it must be hard talking to other people…would I have been like that if I had never met Kaladin? Alone forever? What if the Chapter of Despair never captured Kaladin…would they be together in their little village?

Where would I be?

Argh! Whatever! It all happened away, and now things are different, so I don't give a damn about what could have been!

I should have fought her when I had the chance! I'd kick her so hard in the chest that I'd deflate those meat sacks with a single strike!

Kaladin Shadowheart's POV

"Good afternoon, Sirs. What brings you, gentlemen, to our humble establishment," Gilumune said with a deep bow.

His pressed black and silver butler outfit fit the large man to perfection. He even wore a light gray coat over his shirt as the weather was beginning to drop. Yet, even with his pristine outfit, the man could hardly hide his large biceps and scars that marred his tan skin. Even his tattoos added to the impression of a hard man pretending to be a butler.

But he was a good man.

"What's wrong, Gilumune? You are acting as if we've never met," I said playfully.

Gilumune looked up at me slowly as realization dawned on him. "Mr. Winterheart? Is that you?" he asked in disbelief.

"In the flesh."

"Are you…the Dragonslayer?"

I nodded. "I am."

The older man chuckled and shook his head with a kind smile. "To think you would be the same man! Look at you! What an odd sight…how is Mila doing? Is she well?"

"She's doing great. I'm sure she will jump in soon to say hi."

Gilumune looked down at Dallin and raised an eyebrow. "First you, then him? What an odd-looking Elf you are. Is this your brother?"

"He is. Dallin, say hello to Gilumune," I said softly.

Dallin nodded meekly at him. Sadly Dallin still didn't know Human so I had to translate. "Hello…" he said nervously.

Gilumune raised an eyebrow and just smiled. "It's good to meet you, Dallin. You are a handsome young man indeed," Gilumune said in rough Elvish.

Well… seems I underestimated the man. His Elvish is rough but passable.

Gilumune clapped once. "Now then! How can I help you two? I've seen you grow some more, Mr…Shadowheart, is it?"

I just chuckled. "Yes, I need some more clothes for myself as well as my brother. And Kaladin or Mr.Shadowheart will do."

Dallin looked at me in surprise. "You…you are going to buy me clothes?"

"Of course. I said we were going shopping, right? Why would I take you someplace and not get you something?" I asked him.

Dallin nodded meekly at my question while Gilumune gave me a knowing smile. "Where did I put that dang measuring tape," he muttered to himself as he walked away from us.

Once Gilumune was out of earshot, I knelt down to Dallin's height. "Dallin, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you the other day…it's just that…I wanted to protect Sylvia, you know?"

"It—it's okay…I'm not scared—"

He is very clearly afraid of me.

I just patted him on the shoulder. "Dallin, you don't need to pretend or hide your emotions because I'm not angry with you. I understand why you are afraid of me. And honestly, I wouldn't even hold it against you if you hated me forever for everything that's happened."

His little golden eyes went wide, and he looked at me speechless. Then his little hands grabbed me by the collar. "I don't hate you!" he screamed.

I winced from his yell and looked around the store. Thankfully the store was relatively empty, as there were only a few patrons. It even appeared that most of the employees were on break or just not here today.

Dallin let go of my collar and shied away, his face turning bright pink. "S—sorry…I didn't mean to yell…"

I just chuckled. "It's fine, Dallin."

"But I really don't hate you…Mom used to always talk about how great you were… that you would be the best big brother ever…" he muttered.


"Sorry to disappoint you, Dallin. I'm not sure I can say I'm the best big brother. But I sure want to try to be," I told him honestly.

Dallin looked up at me and into my eyes for the first time. "Then why did you make big sister Cerila cry? She always told me that she loved you a lot, but you made her cry. Why?"


"I know…it's complicated, Dallin, it really is, so I just hope you trust me. But I care about Cerila as well, okay? I promise."

"You do? You promise?" he asked, almost sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

"I promise," I said back to him.

Dallin looked a bit more relieved now. I wasn't sure where his anxieties were coming from, but now I think I got a glimpse into it. Perhaps Mom had fed an idealized version of me to Dallin, and when he finally met me, I most likely didn't live up to his expectations.

But that's fine. All is well for the time being, and we have plenty of time to form a proper relationship with each other.

Gilumune returned with a strained smile. "Ready, good sirs?"

Dallin stuck his arms out from his body and squared his legs out in a single sudden move. He looked like a statue, and Gilumune let out a hearty chuckle. "I take it this isn't your first time, young man?"

"Nope! Mom takes my sizes every month!" he said proudly.

Gilumune just chuckled at Dallin's enthusiasm. But, I had to admit, it was quite charming. "What are you looking to purchase today, Mr. Shadowheart?"

"Just about everything," I answered. Then I had a great idea. "Would you happen to have Mila's and a woman named Sylvia's size as well?"

Gilumune nodded as he wrapped the tape around Dallin's arm. "Of course. I have kept all sizes on hand for two years for every customer."

"Good, then let's see…" I mumbled while looking around the store.

I walked over to a stand and browsed some of the shirts. I planned on buying something for workouts, daily wear, some nightwear, and something for the winter. Of course, I needed socks and undergarments as well…but this looks nice.

I typically went for darker colors, but I found myself looking at these plain white long-sleeved shirts. It was made of a wool-like material, and it was soft to the touch. It would make for a good winter shirt paired with a manaweave cloak. Maybe I could have Mom make me a new one?

"Do you have any of these in my size?" I asked Gilumune over my shoulder.

He just laughed. "No, I don't carry monster Elf sizes, I'm afraid. But I'm sure I can have something tailored for you."

Monster Elf…that's not very nice.

Well, with part of my outfit settled on, I drifted over to the small section of the building. This store tended to cater to men, but there was still a selection to be had for women. And at the end of the day, if there was indeed nothing for Sylvia, then I could always just come up with something and have it special ordered.

But my concerns were for nothing. I found a healthy amount of clothes that would suit Sylvia well. Like me, Sylvia tended to dress in darker colors, so I decided to buy something on the lighter side to freshen things up.

A turquoise cloak with whitish silver trim and an excellent design caught my attention. I gave it a once over, and I felt I didn't need to look anymore, so I picked it out and would have it sized for her by Gilumune.

Next was Mila…

I also had to purchase many things for Mila, considering she had grown over the last few months. She would also need winter clothing and undergarments, so I was prepared to pay a hefty sum today. I picked out a dark red cloak with a white collar and hood and imagined Mila wearing it.

It was precious…this will do nicely.

"Perfect! You were an A+ model young man," Gilumune said, giving Dallin a deep bow.

Dallin smiled brightly, showing his toothy grin, and ran over to me. I walked up to the pedestal to get sized when the door to the shop opened rather quickly.

I looked back over my shoulder, and a young Human man wearing what could best be desired as traveling gear was standing there. He scanned the shop, and his eyes fell on me. He hastily power-walked toward me and promptly took a knee.

"Sir Dragonslayer! It is an honor!" he shouted.

"Uh…there's no need to shout. How can I help you?" I asked, slowly turning to the young man.

He extended his arms above his head like he was a peasant presenting a gift to his lord. An orange-colored dog tag marking him as a Topaz adventurer jingled on his wrist. "Sir! I have urgent mail for you!"

A courier from the guild, huh? It's been a while since I've had one sent for me, not since the whole fiasco with Parker and the crown wanting me to testify against traitorous nobles.

Knowing there was no point in asking questions, I took both the encased scrolls and popped open the protective canister. A lime green envelope was the first to come out, followed by a scroll marked with the royal Gryphon crest of Luminar.

I've seen the royal crest many times, but a letter from the guild? I decided to open the guild's note first, and the young man winced slightly as I ignored the paper that was clearly marked by the royal family of Luminar.

Let's see…a summons for…spring? That's a long ways away.

The letter was relatively short, vague, and concise. The language used in the letter basically stated I had to attend this meeting at the Adventurer's Guild main branch office here in Luminar in the spring or else…what the "or else" meant, I wasn't sure.

Honestly, if the guild intended to yank my arm and use me for slaying the Dragon, I would just leave them behind. I used my status as a Ruby adventurer for many things during my runaway slave days, and I had to admit it came in handy more than once.

I personally wanted to stay amicable with the guild and keep my status if possible. I could see myself taking a quest from time to time for fun. But if that wasn't an option, then so be it.

I guess I can show up. Maybe I'm getting a promotion?

So let's see…

I broke the wax seal for the following letter, which was only a few lines. It was from the queen. And she wanted to see me today.

Today is going to turn into a long day, isn't it?

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Family Artwork- https://imgur.com/a/9rjEOMR

Vol.3 Veme+Bella- https://imgur.com/gallery/onDyhEB

Vol.4 Cover- https://imgur.com/gallery/nfZMIzW

Vol.5 School Artwork- https://imgur.com/gallery/c7RLP41

Vol.5 Avasta Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/BroScLP.jpeg

Vol.6 Reunion Artwork- https://imgur.com/a/4p7hXsT

Vo.6 Lin+ Nyx Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/kwh5Eua.jpeg

Vol.6 Grandpa Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/3eIbeY2.jpeg

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