

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!


Loving Chapter #27. Armstrong. Ft. Kazuma's Team.


Kazuma looks at his hard rod.

Seeing that it's very hard.

He puts his pants back on, but he didn't even try so it falls down again.

Back to Darkness.

She's a masochist, but not all the time. Sometimes she really is serious and it's almost scary, but then cuts off to her being aroused, but Kazuma still has to be careful on his approach. She's unpredictable sometimes…

"Oi, Darkness." Kazuma stood up.

Darkness looks to him, and she looks normal now, despite her red sweaty face.

"Do you wanna know what I did to Aqua yesterday?"

"H-huh? What do you mean…?" She asks, blushing.

"I did a lot of things to Aqua yesterday. She didn't like all of the things I did to her. But I think I tied her arms up first, and then I forced her to suck me off."

Darkness looks concerned but at the same time, that doesn't stop her from stopping Kazuma's sudden story.

Kazuma decides to show his penis to Darkness, but he makes it look like he doesn't notice he's uncovering it.

! "U-uhm, Kazuma?"

"Not now, Darkness. So anyways I-"



Kazuma sees that Aqua is running across the fields till she reaches him.

"What the fu- How did you find us here?!"

"The real question is, were you just going to fuck Darkness??"

"What?? Hell no, I'm just discussing something with her and she decides to just cut down my belt, which led to my massive rod to be seen!"

Aqua crosses her arms.

"Pft, Yeah right. Your belt fell off and you're just sitting down here, showing your dick to her with no care in the world."

Kazuma growls as he just gets his pants and puts it back on, despite the hard penis he has.

"You're seriously going to walk like that?" Aqua asks disgustedly.

"How about you suck it? So you don't have to see it like this." Kazuma tries to tie his pants so it won't fall, but ends up in failure.

"Hmm… If you allow me to drink alcohol this evening, I will suck you off right now! How about that???" Aqua says with a cheeky grin but-

Kazuma starts walking.

"Hell no, I'm not going to carry you to the barn later."

"H-hey! That's a fair deal! Come back here and let's talk about it! Come on! Kazumaaa!"

She follows Kazuma, as Megumin looks at them before looking at the blushing sweaty Darkness.

"Uhm… are you alright?"

Darkness looks at Megumin and her heart starts beating fast.

"I can't believe you've seen me like this… You probably see me now as a pervert."

Darkness says as she tries to hide her face from Megumin.

Megumin shrugs.

"Well even if I don't see you in this position right now, I would still think of you as a pervert because Kazuma said you're one."

Darkness grabs Megumin's shoulders. Darkness looks too happy. Which scares Megumin a bit.

"Ah! Uhm darkness? W-why are you smiling..?"

"M-megumin… I-I think I might have fallen under Kazuma's evil spell… He has taken Aqua, and I fear that I might be next… so please… while you're still young… Run away as fast you can! Before he gets you next!"

Megumin is creeped out by Darkness's happy face despite the fact she's trying to warn Megumin about Kazuma.

Megumin backed off as Darkness tries to stand, but she's still a bit shaky.

"Hey, you two! Let's get going on our quest! And- Aqua! Stop crying on my shoulders, I said no!"


"Darkness! Help me get this cry baby off me!"

Darkness grabs her sword and sheaths it as she walks to them.

Megumin knows that Kazuma is a big pervert, but what does Darkness mean by evil spell? Is Kazuma casting a spell on them...?


Konosuba: Love Circle.

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