
Chapter 443: Scion of Asmodia

Jahi PoV

My lips were pursed as I observed the fight between Anput and Lady Fenryas, making note of how the Demon Wolf reacted to each of Anput's attacks as she allowed herself to act as a sentient training dummy for my Jackalkin wife, honing her skills slowly but surely.

Of course, I was still slightly annoyed at how she had treated Kat in the previous match, but after seeing the Dogkin sitting off to the side and nursing her wounds besides Nirinia and Mom, I calmed myself down.

Obviously Lady Fenryas wouldn't significantly and permanently harm Kat - that would be causing issues against the Asmodia's for no apparent reason.

But still, seeing her harm my love like that angered me, even if I could understand why she acted as she did.

I drummed my fingers on the flat of the great sword I was wielding, the blade resting idly against my arm as I watched the end of Anput's fight keenly, preparing and collecting myself mentally for my own fight to come.

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