
Chapter 176: Reminisce (Extra)


This is an extra chapter I prepared in case I don't ever have time to sit down and write; it has no connection to the current spot of the story, as it is from Julie's, Chordeva's, or Ria's perspective, and will usually be something about their pasts.

As such, I will label these chapters as (Extra), so if you wish to skip it, then do so. Also, I won't ever do smut inside these chapters, but I will used heavier language than usual, so think of them as half-lemons...

[(Current Author Note): Releasing this as a bonus, cause I realized I have a few more in store and wanted to see what everyone thinks of these PoV's]


Julie PoV

Rubbing my stomach, I smiled down at the slight bulge, anticipating the children that were growing inside me.

I loved Katherine a lot; obviously I did, as she was my daughter, but...

It felt like I only had a moment or two with her as a child. She had matured so quickly that it left me sad...

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