
A show is what you want, a show is what you get

Luca felt bad and guilty for being so shameless, fighting to survive and return to her previous world. However, there was a part of her who believed life was just like that. That a day would come when everyone people knew would die.

It was a depressing thought, but somehow, that put her heart at ease. However, it was an entirely different case if a person's death wasn't a natural death. 

Luca gripped the steering wheel as she screamed, eyes burning until tears filled them. The tires of the black sedan she was driving screeched as she suddenly halted on the empty road of the border of the town she drove to. 

"No," she whispered, head hanging low, hands still on the steering. "He didn't do that."

She shook her head, yet the anger in her heart continued to build up. She kept recalling how devastated Jacques was by the loss of her fiance. Luca couldn't imagine being the root of Jacques' suffering. She could barely withstand the guilt and shame.

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