
him, & me?

I woke up, in a middle of the night in top of Mikey's chest laying there, my face went to red tomato real quick while i look at him sleeping, I keep questioning myself, such as " why am I laying on his chest? why am I here? " again and again, Mikey let out a growl on his mouth and put his hands on my back, hugging me tightly and not letting go.

I sighed and just lay my head on his chest again, hugging him back, it was warm, and fuzzy, it's comfortable with this cruel man.

" Michi.. " he said, soft voice came out from his mouth calling my name. he's dreaming peacefully, yet his face was covered with fear. he didn't say a word since then, it was quiet. he was quiet, but I wonder why does he dreamed of me while making such a face.

I'm deadly curious about him, this Mikey that kidnapped me. why is he treating me good? was this a trap? maybe it is. but still, he's annoying as a bug that I wanna squash.

I wanna get to know him, I wanna know more about him, but is it exactly allowed to be with him? a mere criminal, it'll be a bother if i dirtied my family's name, a name that's known in the country for being wise, and rich. clever isn't it? a family that is full of nobility, and formality. a thing that anyone couldn't call a family, it was full of expectations. however this man right here, don't expect anything from me, but, is that really the case? maybe it is aiming for my family. they wouldn't come.

it's a foul, because they wouldn't come, I'll only be nuisance, why won't they let me go already? Hanagiki Takemichi. that Is a name.

and a name that can be changed in a mere second, the second that I won't waste.

I sighed once again, this time, my chest felt a little lighter, it wasn't heavy as it is before. while I keep staring at this man, envying his beauty, and talent that's waste on gun and bloodshed on his hand, the hand his using to keep me warmth in this cold weather.

this cruel, killer, criminal man is keeping me warm, embracing me in the darkness while sleeping defenseless, who knows what might I have done to him? " are you really asleep? "

I wondered, and laughed at myself for talking nonsense, ' I should probably sleep. ' I closed my eyes as soon as I did, I went to sleep fastly enough to wake up in the morning to see him.

his mischievous face, and alluring scent. everything about him, he's endearing and gentle, I wanted to see him, at first thing I saw in the morning is his lovely face. I'm creepy.

truly, creepy for wishing to see him at the morning as soon as I open my eyes.

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