
5.15 As long as you're by my side

Levi swiftly looked up when he recognized Cillian, he stood up and walked out of his office. Levi grabbed Cillian's wrist and pulled him into his office. Cillian pulled his wrist back and ordered:

"Get out of the way."

Levi took a step forward and pleaded:

"Please just listen to me."

Cillian yelled:

"I don't have time to waste with someone who doesn't believe in me. I already have enough to deal with."

When Cillian's eyes moistened, he asked:

"What happened?"

Cillian looked at him silently as though he didn't trust him.

Levi swore:

"You can talk to me, whatever it is, I won't tell anyone."

Cillian looked down and murmured:

"After I passed the audition for Pierce Melody I heard what the Wests had planned for me. They wanted to make me sign my inheritance away and then have me killed. But now they decided to kill me after the ball."

Cillian looked up and sobbed.

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