
1.4 King and his castle

Cillian was surprised to see that King literally lives in a castle. He couldn't understand why he would have a Gala in his home before but now he does. He has a castle meaning there's a ballroom to host a gala. And here he thought he liked to live opulently... When they got out of the car he looked up admiring the magnificent castle. He could tell that it was old but it was beautifully preserved. Huang yelled when Cillian didn't move:

"Stop dreaming!"

Cillian murmured following them:


When they were in front of the doors Huang gave the invitation to a woman at the entrance. He smiled at the security guards he recognized as cousins and they smiled back. When the invitations were validated they walked in. Huang was so excited he was practically trembling, he's never set foot in Jiang's castle. He hasn't been part of the inner circle so he's never been invited to the gala. Only those who've contributed to the family are invited. The fact that he is here means he finally made it.

Today was the day he was supposed to make Cillian sign the paper to get all his shares of the company and his inheritance but he can wait another day since King wants him to attend the gala as well. When they were in the ballroom he looked around shocked by the luxury. Shuyi and Yuxin were just as happy and stunned while Cillian was bored. He shivered slightly, when he felt sweat on his forehead, he quickly wiped it. He looked to the side and saw that the doors leading to the gardens were wide open.

Huang followed his eyes and ordered:

"Go see the garden If you want and don't talk to anyone."

Cillian nodded and left for the garden. He walked leisurely with a smile on his face, King's garden was truly stunning. He felt a little cold though. Remarking that he was shivering slightly Bliss scanned his body and said worriedly:

*Master you're sick, you have a fever.*

Cillian simply said:

*I know.*

*You should go back inside.*


Bliss looked at his stubborn master with a frown then retreated.


Cillian turned around and saw someone running toward him excitedly. When Xiang Kai reached Cillian he smiled brightly.

"Hey, I was looking for you everywhere."

Cillian murmured:

"I wanted to see the garden."

Cillian resumed walking and Kai walked at his side. He kept looking at Cillian like he was looking at the most beautiful treasure.

When he saw him tremble he took off his jacket and put it on his shoulders. Cillian smiled shyly.

"Thank you."

Kai looked at Cillian's enchanting smile and said:

"You're welcome."

When he sees his lovely face he can't believe what he was about to do to him, he's happy that he ended up being locked in the bathroom and that Cillian didn't drink the drug. The weird thing is that he doesn't remember how he finished locked in the bathroom or how the evening went. All he knows is that he had dinner with Cillian and he convinced him to sign the contract with Jiang Hotels and that's it. He's just glad no one took advantage of Cillian since it seems like he blacked out. It's a good thing or he would have never seen how amazing he is. He'll do everything to earn his love the right way.

"Leader Jiang all the guests have arrived including Huang and his family."

King nodded and stood up, he walked down the stairs and walked backstage. He listened as the presenter said:

"Good evening everyone. Thank you for coming to the 49th Jiang Gala. As you know every year the President chooses a foundation to sponsor."

Huang held his wife's and son's hands wanting to be in the front of the stage so when King comes he would be able to see them.

When he was finally in front he made sure his clothes were perfect and put on a smile.

"Please welcome President Jiang."

Everyone clapped as King walked the stage. He grabbed the microphone and said:

"Good evening. Thank you to my family and everyone else for coming to the Jiang annual gala."

As everyone applauded King scanned the room looking for Cillian and saw him entering through the garden doors with Kai. He had his jacket on his shoulder and was smiling. They didn't seem to be interested in what was happening on stage.

He looked ahead and said:

"This year I decided to sponsor the cancer foundation. I lost both my parents to it and I feel as though if they were more research done maybe they would still be alive. My parents were lucky to survive as long as they did because they had the means to pay for treatment but not everyone is that lucky. The foundation help families who can't afford treatment and makes sure they have the same chances as everyone else. Every cent you donate will go toward research and paying for treatment."

King looked down as everyone applauded, he is only doing this to get as many donations as possible. He looked up and said:

"I'll let the president of the foundation say a few words."

He shook the president's hands and gave him the microphone. He stood at the side his head down. He didn't think it would be this hard but it is. He wanted to help a cancer foundation since he became the leader of the family but didn't feel like he was ready to even say the word.

Both his parents had it and they passed at a six-month interval. Even if his father was the leader of the family they were extremely close. He has so many memories of him in the castle that's why he can't move even if it's too big for him alone. He looked at the president with a smile when he said:

"I'd like to thank president Jiang for his generous donation."

Cillian looked at King, he checked Bloom and understood his mood. He knew that his parents had passed but he didn't know how and he didn't pay attention to what he was saying. It seems like it's heavy on him. He focused on Kai again and answered his question. It's a good thing that being stuck at Blossom Central forced him to be patient or he would've killed Kai a long time ago. He keeps asking him questions wanting to know him better. He glanced and saw that King was walking down the stage.

He asked Kai with a smile:

"Will you walk me to my godfather?

Kai immediately nodded. He grabbed Cillian's hand and walked with him. Cillian felt like throwing up but put on a timid smile. Kai is one of the most despicable people in this world and he's going to pay for raping the original and all the others he did with impunity.

Huang immediately stood upright when he saw King walking toward him and his family. King glimpsed behind and saw Cillian walking hand in hand with Kai. It's fine he'll deal with Kai once and for all. He frowned when he looked at Cillian's face, he didn't notice before because he was too far. They both reached Huang at the same time. Kai tapped Huang's shoulder and he turned around annoyed that someone would bother him when he was about to talk to King and saw that it was Kai.

He smiled and pushed to the side so King would see that he and Kai are close but he took a step backward. As long as he can hear it's fine, he wants him to know that without him Kai would've never signed with Jiang Hotels. He asked:

"Hello Kai. Where were you I didn't see you coming in?"

Kai smiled.

"I was in the garden with Cillian."

King smiled when he saw how uncomfortable Huang looked when he mentioned his name.

Huang asked with a fake smile:

"Where is he?"

Kai looked around and saw that he had been hiding behind him, he pulled him with a smile. Cillian looked at Huang in fear. Shuyi felt like slapping him but he forced a smile and asked:

"Are you okay sweety?"

Cillian blinked stunned then nodded.

King who was at the side watching moved to the front to make sure Cillian would see him now. He smiled when he looked at him wide-eyed. King threw the jacket that was on Cillian's shoulders and put his instead. Kai picked up his jacket from the floor not understanding what is wrong with President Jiang.

King put a hand on Cillian's forehead and he frowned.

"You're sick."

Cillian murmured:

"I'm okay."

"You're not you have a fever that's why you're shaking."

Cillian insisted:

"I have been feeling this way those past two days I'm fine."

King frowned and looked at Huang and Shuyi. Shuyi said with a smile:

"I'm sure he is fine he was just in the garden too long."

Yuxin added:

"We told him not to go but he insisted."

King looked at Cillian and saw that he was looking down sadly. He whispered:

"I-I'm sorry. I'll ask the driver to take me home so I won't cause any trouble anymore."

Cillian was about to take the jacket off when King stopped him.

Cillian still turned around to leave, he felt his head spinning and fainted. Before his eyes closed he saw grey eyes looking at him in worry.

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