
Hang in there * Short film: Education * Author: Morn kunthea

* Ants are hard-working, leadership animals. The leader of the red ants always moves to find the source of the food, after which he informs his subordinates later. He is a hardworking and responsible for his red ants. And the road he takes is not far from his anthill. Especially near the area where it lives, it is rich in many natural cultures that make them live happily ever after.

* As the season approaches, all the animals have gathered food to store in their caves and spend the winter in the caves. Like a group of red ants who must collect fruit, water and leaves, store them in their food depot and suspend their outing until summer arrives, then they set out again in search of food. Inside the anthill there are several rooms divided into individual ant families. And the family of the leader ants is the one that distributes food to them. Because the leader of the ant group does not exploit or cheat the members of his ant group. He was the most exemplary and the most optimistic ant.

* Summer is coming, the ants are looking for food as usual, but suddenly this time different from usual, with dried and rotten vegetables, crops and other grains, which cannot be used as food to eat. Even the water in lakes and ponds is drying up. Due to climate change, their regions are experiencing drought. The ant leader looked at his food warehouse, able to supply it for about half a month. he's watching everyone face that lost hope so he told his ants group that i know you've been through a lot of hardships but hang in there things can only get better from here. The problem contains the solution. Therefore, tomorrow I will go out to look for food outside our area of ​​residence. Before leaving, his wife prepared food for him and told him to be very careful when traveling alone. When he said goodbye to his family and his team, he hurried to travel to find food. He walked through the woods near his area to a field where low bushes of wild strawberries hid under the grass. As he prepares and picks one of the biggest strawberries, the strawberry comes to life and becomes a beautiful strawberry. She said to him, "Mr. Ant, do not pick our fruit." I'll give you some strawberry sweet juices. If you choose us, you can only get it once, but if you let us live, you can get the sweet strawberry juice forever. He tasted the strawberry juice and nodded. And the group of strawberries also pointed out to him the location of the lake not far from where they were, and there were other grains grow near the lake. The ant leader was very happy and hastened to tell his team. From that day on, they came to look for food in a new area, and the areas they used to find food before returning to their original state. This gives them two sources of food to trade.

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