
Surge day

Tony watched the three then puffed his chest up "It seems I've accidentally stumbled upon history in the making" he said "Be sure to let me know if there is anything I can help with"

Deno lifted a finger "Yes indeed there is, do you have any authentic katanas lying around?"


"Yeah, Japanese swords?"

"Do I look like Yakuza to you? I'm a mafia boss?"

"Don't you all have swords?" Deno asked.

"I have guns! They kill, they're much faster than swords!" Tony said loudly.

Deno dug in his pocket and held his hand over, Tony opened up and received the two bullets he shot earlier "How much does bullets cost these days hey? See there? Wasted"

Tony's eyes nearly peeled out of his head "Fuck me I thought I missed!"

"No you didn't, but against vampires bullets don't work" he said taking out his phone, dialing and placing it on speakerphone "Have no fear, I'll sort this out"

The phone got answered by a cheerful voice but they all stood shocked at what they heard.

"Master!? I'm so glad to hear you're okay!"

"Ah Paula, are you still fine there?"

"I am, its a tad bit lonely though, and I'm starting to feel a little horny"

Deno looked at the rest who frowned at him, he cleared his throat and took the phone from speaker then patted it to his ear "Oh my dear Paula, I'm so sorry you had to endure that"

"Its okay, are you successful so far?"

He turned to the group "Yes, I found the wolf girl, and she's ever as beautiful as her picture protruded her"

"Ohh, is she kind?"

"She's very friendly yes"

"I want to meet her!"

"I was counting on that, I'm in need of my swords, would you mind bringing them over?"

"I can come!?"

"Yes, tracker to my Lambo is set, just follow the GPS"

"I'm on my way!" She called.

"Remember the swords Paula!"

"Yes master I'll remember them"

He put the phone down and turned to the group again.

"Master hey?" Tony blurted first.

"Its a long story"

"Who's she?" Bella asked.

"My butler"

"Ah I see, and by her saying she's horny means you service her every now and then?" Tony asked.

"Of course! I bring many gorgeous women home and I won't deny Paula is very beautiful, so on occasions I'd stay home and give her some romance as well"

Tony pointed a puffy finger "You are the weirdest guy I ever met"

"Much obliged" he said with a smirk but behind them the door opened and Marie stepped in.

"Darling? Who are these people!? And what do they want?"

Tony blinked "Uh, I u– well you see my honeybun uh..." He looked at Deno then held a hand to him, they heard him completely suck the next words out of his thumb.

"This is p... uh professor Deno, he uh, I uh appointed him to give Belladonna some classes, you know how she was always on the run and couldn't finish school?"

Everyone there thought that would never stick but to their surprise "Oh! My dear pumpkin you're so considerate" she said smiling broadly and came over to shake Deno's hand.

"Such a pleasure to meet you professor"

"The pleasure is all mine mam" Deno said playing along.

"And this fine gentleman?" She asked Nicolas.

"I uh–"

"This is his fiancee I mean boy—!"

Tony was totally swamped by Marie's uprise he couldn't correct.

"Fiancee!? Are you human!?" She asked overjoyed.

"Yes, mam I am"

"This world is slowly becoming a better place!" She shrieked and jumped up to embrace Tony's neck "Then you two will have the wedding right here in the back yard! We'll pay for everything!" She said with a burst and ran out the room.

Tony tucked at his collar turning back to them "Sorry bout that, it just slipped"

"No I adore that idea! Weddings are so expensive these days, your wife is very kind to offer" Deno said but Nicolas slapped him.

"Hey! We can't just rush in!" He yelled and looked at Bella standing with a tomato red face.

"Why not!? I think about it, life is too short!"

"Yes, especially since you have a grave task for Bella" Tony said.

"About that, its time we start so long" Deno said and bent to grab Wayne then lifted him off the ground, he drug him one side and placed him in a chair.

"What do you mean we start?" Nicolas asked.

Deno held his signature finger up "Attention my student" he said looking at Bella "It is time to educate you on yourself a little"


"Yes, as you know, today is surge day, from the morning you wake up I till the moon arrives your human self will be in a flux, it depends all on your emotions" he said walking over to Nicolas and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Okay?" Nicolas asked.

"If your thought you had the best sex from her wait till she gets in the mood on this day"


"That's not true!" She said defending.

"Oh but it is! If you were in the mood for some spice on a day like this it would build and build until you explode, she would screw you so hard my dear Nicolai you won't be able to walk for two days!"

"Say what!?"

"Its not true!" She yelled feeling she could vanish from existence right about now.

"But, that goes for all her emotions, her wolf senses the moon coming and its lowly stirs in her throughout the day, so if she gets angry her anger is dialled to eleven, her sex drive, her sadness, happiness, everything through the roof"

Nicolas looked at Bella who stood with her hands covering her face "Is it true?"

She nodded but didn't remove her hands.

"Now don't feel like getting lucky Nicolai, I want our Wolfy here to get angry..." Deno said and she finally parted her hands.


"Yes... At him" he said pointing at Wayne then giving her an evil grin "Very angry"

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