
Chapter 80 - How to catch a fox

Faun drifted from the kitchen to the living room, the television was on in the background, filling the house with some much-needed background noise. He was dressed in one of Declan's shirts which just skimmed past his thighs, an apron over it because he was cooking…

He was cooking breakfast for Declan.

It had been two weeks since his mate returned to the North and although they spoke and texted every other hour, Faun still missed him sorely.

The cottage was exactly how it used to be before they left for the North the first time but it seemed incomparably empty, loneliness singing with the crickets in the nighttime.

Although Declan had sent back his things the moment he got back to the palace, Faun had spent all of his nights in Declan's room. And it still wasn't enough, he needed to be pressed up tightly against his mate.

Declan was returning that morning though. He was supposed to set out that morning but the moment he was no longer King and free to leave the North, he didn't bother spending the night. He instead got on a flight late at night so that he would be in Oakwood first thing in the morning.

Faun couldn't sleep, excitement beating an unsteady cadence beneath his heart. He had been up really early that morning to make breakfast for Declan, he had even baked a pie, the scent of sweet citrus filling the warm sunlight-warmed room.

Isla and Lou would be by later in the afternoon so say hi, Isla had come around practically every day since Declan left, even Lou showed up more frequently than he would have expected. Faun had been so happy to have them over each time.

As the sun grew warmer, Faun's expression misted over. He held a soft frown on the curve of his lips as he stood right at the window, waiting impatiently for the silhouette of Declan to show up.

Just as he was about to march out to the main road to better wait for him, Declan showed up. He was even dressed in his familiar colorful top and sweats.

Faun flung the door open and dashed out, not caring that he was barefoot. "Declan!"

Declan's sharp tooth smile twinkled in the sunlight as he caught his barreling mate effortlessly and claimed his lips in a heated kiss. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting," He broke off the kiss to say.

Faun's eyes brimmed with tears that twinkled, "A little," He murmured with a smile, leaning in to kiss Declan again, tail swaying.

He had been anticipating this moment ever since Declan left but it was nothing compared to how he felt right in this moment, being able to kiss his mate in front of their home, breakfast ready on the table.

For Faun who had almost lost everything, it hit really hard.

"I love you so much," He gasped when he broke off from the kiss that lasted longer this time, stealing his breath away.

Declan buried his face in Faun's neck, pressing a soft kiss to the tender skin. He carried his mate inside the open doors of their little cottage, his chest expanding to take in all the scents that swarmed around him. This was home, this little cottage, and his mate in his arms.


Isla and Lou kept to their word, showing up at noon with happy laughter and a congratulatory cake.

"I can't believe how much you two put me through," Isla faked tears, sniffling into her hand.

They still didn't know about their true identities but it was clear that they suspected something. Neither human asked any question though and Faun knew that they did that because they had decided that nothing would change between them all no matter what happened.

Faun also knew that they would eventually find out, maybe not today but in a happy future not so far off.

He was seated in Declan's lap, his mate refusing to be apart from him ever since he returned that morning and they ate breakfast together.

Lou was on Declan's right side, excitedly introducing Faun to alt aesthetics and the nuances of subculture. 

Isla was on his other side, eating cake directly from the tray. She just placed the entire cake on her lap and dug into it with a fork, "So when will I be expecting you to get back to work?" She casually worked into the conversation.

"What?" Declan shot her a look, caught off guard. He didn't need money but he didn't hate writing, it was something that brought some level of satisfaction to him but he wasn't going to make it easy on Isla.

"Like, I know you're wealthy royalty and all that but you're gonna keep writing, right?" Isla urged, leaning closer. "I'll even extend your deadline."

"What I need is for you to not stalk me," Declan countered in a grumpy voice.

"So you're considering it?" She beamed, latching onto the single beacon of hope.

Declan glanced down at Faun who was comfortably seated between his legs, wishing their friends were gone so he could see his tail and ears. "Maybe." He bluntly replied, "But I'll take the rest of the year off." 

"Deal!" Isla accepted without hesitation. "I'll be at your front door first thing on New Year's day to remind you."

Declan pretended to be irked by this, "Don't forget to hold up your end of the bargain."

"Got it! No stalking!" Isla agreed with a smile through a mouthful of cake.


Isla and Lou didn't stay too long, Isla wasn't the type to read a room, and her girlfriend had to practically drag her out so that Declan and Faun could spend more time together.

It was late in the afternoon and Faun was straddling him, ears and tail revealed as he dozed against his chest. The cottage was quiet save for the nearly silent television in the background and white noise from the forest around - Declan could remain in this position forever.

He had a hand buried in Faun's curly hair, his other hand caressing his bare thigh. It only took Faun yawning to push Declan to his feet. They were in their safe space, they could definitely take late afternoon naps and wake up late to eat a midnight dinner.

Faun nuzzled his neck when he hiked him higher in his arms, a small tongue darting out to lick over his mating mark, sending pleasurable shocks down his spine. He couldn't wait to finally complete their mating for Faun to proudly sport his mating mark on his delicate neck.

There was enough time for that later but for now, he just wanted to finally sleep with his mate in his arms.

In his bedroom, the red-hued sunlight spilled through the open curtains splashing against the wooden floor just inches away from where Faun lay curled up in his arms, dark lashes fluttering.

Declan brushed the pad of his thumb across Faun's cheeks, faint smattering of freckles visible, soft, full lips parted.

"Declan?" Faun flicked open his eyes to say, green eyes iridescent.

Declan leaned forward to taste his lips, he would never get enough of them, "Go to sleep," He said softly.

Faun's lashes dropped almost instantaneously, cuddling closer as his body went lax. He had never been able to sleep peacefully while he lived in the wild but with Declan, he could sleep in the middle of an apocalypse if his mate told him to.

He fell asleep with the taste and pressure of Declan's lips against his, soft whispered words of love matching those in his heart.

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