
The Purring Asian Kitty Cat

The door to my private office creaked open and lo and behold an unfavourable large gift box was sitting in the dead centre of the room waiting for me to unwrap it. I didn't even have to guess what or rather who was inside it. This shit had been happening so frequently that I knew exactly what to expect.

I ignored the contents hidden within the gift box and walked on over to my desk. I emptied my pockets onto the table before settling my behind into my office chair. "Ah, that's so comfortable." I had been on my feet the entire day so some relaxation time was overdue.

'Rattle! Rattle!'

"Hmm…" I observed the gift box shaking slightly, yet I ignored it. I directed my attention to a stash of cigars I had stored in a neat little box crafted from decent mahogany wood. I put out my shrivelled cig in the ashtray before taking out one of the big fat juicy cigars.

I sniffed its wrapped contours for the enchanting aroma. "Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Ms Tobacco, Ms Tobacco. I'm going to savour sucking on this big fat lady."

'Rattle! Rattle!'

"Huh?" The shaking of the gift box became more constant not to mention annoying. I became so pissed off that I eventually had to stash back my sexy cigar into the wooden box.

Staring intensely at the shaking gift box I hollered, "For the love of God stop rattling my damn nerves and get your skinny ass out of there!"


Immediately after I raised my voice, the box burst open. A petite Asian chick wearing an alluring custom with fake cat ears and a fluffy cat tail strapped to her rear revealed herself to me in full view. Judging by her pouty expression, she looked upset by something or someone.

"I curse you, Smoke Pac. Why didn't you open the gift I so delicately prepared for you?" She stomped all over the untangled box. "Do you know how hard I worked on this stupid thing? I did it all just to entice you. Am I not stimulating enough for you anymore?"

As she asked this question, I observed her hopping closer to me while pretending to be a sexy kitty cat. She pushed aside the objects I had on my desk and climbed on top of it. She positioned her apple butt smack in my face. I could see all the erogenous imprints entering my eyes.

'This chick is so damn persistent.' I thought to myself. 'She's been bugging me all week long to grab her long hair and take her from behind like a wild animal.' Sadly, I wasn't feeling her sensual vibe. Although she was old enough to purchase a ticket for my roller-coaster, in my eyes, she looked like illegal meat so I couldn't touch her.

Shifting her bony ass out of my face, I said, "Himeko I thought I told you to cut this erotic shit out. How many times are you going to make me repeat myself?"

She looked at me seeming a bit miffed and retorted, "As many times it will take for you to ravish me like you did the other girls."

"And why are you so fixated on me? I wasn't even the one who recruited you. Madam Plastic told me that you've passed all the examinations and the person who vetted you was her grandson, Teedo. I've seen the guy in action before, his wang is much bigger than mine, so I don't get why you are so interested in me."

"That big oaf is nothing compared to you, Smoke Pac. True he has a big wang but he handled me too roughly as if he was handling a sheep or something. He has no finesse with women whatsoever. I know that he's her kin but I think that Madam Plastic should get rid of him. I am not the only lady who complains about his abrasive attitude, others have as well."

"And what makes you think that I'm any different, Himeko? I treat women like toilet paper. One wipe to my ass and that's it. When the roll is finished, it's into the toilet they go. Just a button away from getting flushed."

"You can't scare me away with that dirty talk, Smoke Pac." Himeko slid off the table and dropped herself into my lap. Her legs were very soft and slippery so I guessed she was using that special lotion that was provided for all the ladies on staff.

Himeko wiggled her behind in my lap, moreover, placed her ear against my chest. "I know you have some goodness somewhere in that heart of yours, Smoke Pac. If you could see past all the smoke then probably you could appreciate it."

"I highly doubt that. Still, I'm not feeling up for it tonight, Himeko. Maye later."

"Are you serious?" Himeko's eyes became vicious as a tigress's. "You're only 32 years old not some washed-up grandpa. I'm certain that Mr Wang still works in your department. Is it that you don't find me attractive enough? Here I am completely submissive in your lap and you're not making any advances. What do I have to do for you to do me silly?"

Before I had a chance of answering Himeko's inquiry, the door to my office swung wide open and Madam Plastic came in and misread the situation.

"Chris and Himeko? So this is what you rather be doing instead of being out there trying to get acquainted with influential folks? How many times do I have to tell you, Chris, you can't move up in life if your head is always stuck between some woman's crotch! You would do well to listen to me."

Madam Plastic slammed the door on her way out. It didn't require an expert analyst to know that she was upset. "Look at what you've done Himeko. Because of your uncontrollable horniness, I was scolded. How will you make up for this?"

"How about a nice warm kiss?" Without waiting for my consent, this lewd woman plastered her lips against mine. However, soon the lingering scent of the cig I was smoking earlier scared her lips away.

"You're lips are getting too rough, Smoke Pac. You should consider going easy on the smoking, otherwise, women will be afraid of having you going down on them. You might fill them up with carbon monoxide."

"Then I will smoke even more if that is what it will take to scare you off."

"I won't be scared off that easily." Himeko got up from my lap and walked to the exit. Glancing back at me with her hand pointing to her custom's cat tail, she said, "One of these days I'm going to make you screw my brains out."

Comically, I took out a screwdriver from my drawer and showed it to Himeko. "We shall see." I waited until she closed the door on her way out before I put away the screwdriver and ignited another cigarette.

'Inhale… exhale…'

So far, my experience since I entered the club hadn't been a good one. That shithead, Sharp Stepper and his new sleeve, Delilah had been a thorn in my eyes. To pluck out that disturbing obstacle, I decided to go do what I did best, smashed a few heads.

Conveniently enough, as I got up from around the table and glanced through the window pane below, I discovered a few brawny drunkards causing trouble by the bar, 5 to be exact.

"Tiffany might need my help." With this thought in mind, I stuffed my pack of cigarettes back into my jacket pocket, exited my office and went below.

Alighting the flight of stairs that led to the ground floor I immediately perceived and overheard one of the muscle freaks grabbing onto Tiffany's arms over the counter and asking her for her home address.

"Where do you live, little missy? Want to get out of here and go play with a real man?" Grabbing onto his crotch, the man added, "I promise you that it will be worth your while."

"Unhand me you brute! I'm not going anywhere with you!" Tiffany tried shaking the big man's grasp loose but his strength was too much for her scrawny arms to handle, thus I intervened before the club's security staff were made aware of the situation.

I walked up to the bar and garnered this man's attention by putting out my cigarette on his arm. "Hey, the lady says she isn't interested, now piss off before I smash your face in."

"Huh! Who the hell are you, little man?" The biggest of the crew looked at me angrily while the rest of his gang gradually became aware of my presence. Before answering this punk, I lit up another cig to calm my nerves.

'Inhale… exhale…'

The muscle freak became impatient and attempted to grab Tiffany's arm again. "Come here you sexy vixen! You know you want me!"

"Hold it!" I smacked his arm into a glass on the counter before he could reach Tiffany. I then took a shard and stabbed him in the neck. Though it didn't go too deep due to his thick neck, it was enough to make him and his goons know that I meant business.

"Ah! This bastard stabbed me in the neck! I'm leaking blood!"

I looked down at this mofo while he was whimpering like a little bitch and took a puff of my cig. "I warned you this would happen."

"You are going to pay for that!" Glaring up at me intensely, he gave the order for his companions to attack me. "Kill his ass!"

"You're dead meat!" The second of the goon squad flipped out his pocket knife and cut at my neck. I swiftly took a step back; grabbed his arm and twisted until his face was slammed hard into the bar counter. While I had him pinned, the third goon rushed at me with his fist. I distracted him briefly by spitting my cig into his nostril. The sudden scorch to his nasal aperture caused him to trip over a stool.

"What a waste of smoke." I sighed seeing my soiled cig on the floor.

"Die you punk!" While I was feeling down, the fourth and fifth goon came at me simultaneously, both with knives.

"Be careful with that." Saying this, I picked up the second goon from the bar counter and used him as a meat shield. He was stabbed in the shoulder by his own mate.

"Oh, hell no!" He cried out.

"Go to sleep." I silenced the second goon by slamming his head back into the bar counter. The knife poking out of his shoulder seemed like a convenient tool to use in that situation. So I ripped it out and tossed it into the leg of the fifth goon. He faltered still holding onto his knife. Therefore, I kicked his face which broke his nose and knocked him out. Right after doing this, I dodged a punch from the fourth goon and gripped his balls very tight.

To my surprise, the weight and size of his nuts betrayed his muscular build. "Such small nuts for a big talker." I mocked him.

"You bastard! Get your hand off my shit!"

"Well, of course." I clenched tightly on his nuts until I heard a cracking sound. He was forced to his knees while squealing like a pig that was getting roasted alive on a spit. I knocked my elbow in his cranium then kicked the first goon in his gut. While he was bracing against the bar counter for support, I witnessed Tiffany breaking an expensive wine bottle on his shiny head.

"That's for molesting me you creep!" After smashing his head with the bottle a couple of times it finally shattered and spilt all the alcoholic beverage onto the counter as well as the floor.

I gave Tiffany a serious look and said, "Couldn't you use a cheaper bottle? That's a waste of valuable Crowns right there you know?"

"Well, you know what they say, Smoke Pac, an expensive bottle for an extravagant douche." Tiffany finished off the burly man by spitting on his bald head. "Don't ever mess with me again you pervert!"

"Wow, that chick is badass." Said someone from the audience.

"You have eyes but you cannot see, my mate. That lady doesn't compare to that man who took care of those 5 thugs barehanded."

"He didn't do it entirely barehanded. I observed him using a cigarette as well as a knife he stole from that gangster."

"He also used a shard from that broken bottle."

"Yeah, he did. I forgot about that. So who is that guy anyway, is he a security guard here?"

"He must be."

"No, you guys got it all wrong." Another person corrected them. "That man is Smoke Pac. I believe he owns half of this joint."

"For real? That means he has a lot of money then." An avaricious party girl's eye became sparkly.

"Slow your roll, slut. You're not getting to his pockets before me." Commented another lady.

"What did you call me, slut?"

"Hmm." I overheard a few members of the surrounding crowd passing comments among themselves regarding the event that recently took place. Two women were even arguing over me. Watching them go at it was so priceless.

"We'll take it from here, Smoke Pac." Now that the security guards have come to clean up the trash I'd just swept to the floor, I felt it was high time I got out of there.

I gave Tiffany a spank on her round apples then took the rear exit to go cool my head off. On my way out of the club, my phone started ringing. The number wasn't familiar to me so I delayed answering.

"Hello, who is this? I don't recognize the number."

"Boss, it's me. Sorry for calling you on an unknown number but it is urgent."

I instantly recognized the person on the other end of the call. He was one of my trusted minions. "Rodent, what the hell are you bothering me for? Didn't I send you on an errand to go pick up that thing from the chemist?"

"That is exactly why I'm contacting you, boss. I'm here at the drop site but… ah… but…"

"But what? Spit it out!" I became livid at that bastard for stammering. Eventually, he started speaking clearly again.

"Boss, I'm here at the site with the chemist but he's refusing to hand over the shipment to anyone other than you. What would have me do? Do you want me to clip him and take the item from him?"

"Don't do anything foolish. I'm on my way." Due to the urgent matter that came to my attention, I abandoned my prior plans for the night and decided to go assess the situation at the drop site.

On my way to my car, I walked by a furry couple that was getting busy behind the dumpsters. "Bunch of horny gutter rats."


I arrived shortly after midnight at an abandoned warehouse nearby a waterfront. There were 2 vehicles parked outside. One belonged to my underling and the other to the elusive chemist. I pulled up to the side entrance, got out of my car and ignited my cigarette.

'Inhale… exhale…'

As I directed my feet into the warehouse I was completely clueless about the treacherous events that were about to occur. Had I known beforehand, I would have come prepared with more than just a pack of cigarettes.

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